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Anakin, holding a python: Guys I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him
Obi wan: You did WHAT–
Ahsoka: William Snakepeare

Ahsoka: Sometimes I drink milk straight out of the container.
Anakin: The cow???
Ahsoka: What?
Obi wan: Ahsoka, W H Y?

Obi wan: Do you take constructive criticism?
Anakin: I only take cash or credit.

Anakin: If you were to vacuum up jello through a metal tube, well I think that'd be a neat noise
Obi wan: I beg to differ
Anakin: Then Beg

Anakin: *Walking in to a room* Sorry I'm late... I was... doing things.
*Sounds of running footsteps progressively getting louder*

Ahsoka: *Screams*
Anakin: *Screams louder to assert dominance*
Rex: Should we do something?!
Obi wan, observing: No, I want to see who wins this.

Obi wan, setting down a card: Ace of spades
Ahsoka, pulling out an Uno card: +4
Anakin, pulling out a Pokémon card: Jolteon, I choose you
Rex, trembling: What are we playing

Anakin, and Ahsoka are sitting on a bench
Obi wan: Why do you guys look so sad?
Ahsoka: Sit down with us so we can tell you.
*Obi wan sits down*
Anakin: The bench is freshly painted.

Obi wan: Did you have to stab Anakin??
Ahsoka: You weren't there. You didn't hear what he said.
Obi wan: What did he say?
Ahsoka: "What are you gonna do, stab me?"
Obi wan:

Obi wan: I made tea.
Anakin: I don't want tea.
Obi wan: I didn't make tea for you, this is my tea.
Anakin: Then why are you telling me?
Obi wan: It's a conversation starter!
Anakin:That's a shitty conversation starter.
Obi wan: Oh is it? We're conversing. Checkmate.

Ahsoka: You have no idea what I'm capable of.
Anakin: Do not take this personally, but I feel like I'm being threatened by a cupcake.

Obi wan: You need to make them think you're stronger than you really are.
Anakin: Is that what you do?
Obi wan: Oh, no. My strength is no illusion. I can demolish you.

Ahsoka: If a tree falls in a forest when no one is there, does it make a sound?
Anakin: I don't get it.
Obi wan: Allow me to translate
Obi wan: Does a gif keep playing after you scroll past?
Anakin: oh shit. OH SHIT.

Waiter: Hello, welcome to Applebee's! What would you like to order?
Anakin: I'll take the apple.
Waiter: We don't actually sell apples
Anakin, visibly frightened: Ok then. *gulps* I'll have the bees

Padmé: Everytime you use something, the efficiency goes down.
Anakin: Just like the government!

Obi wan: Hey Anakin! What're you doing?
Anakin: *typing furiously on his phone* Winning the fucking war.
Obi wan: *leans closer to see his Google search* 'How to get stolen blood back from mosquitos'?

Ahsoka: *sighs*
Anakin: You bored?
Ahsoka: Yeah.
Anakin: Wanna start drama for no reason?
Ahsoka: Thought you'd never ask!

Anakin: If I die, please avenge me.
Ahsoka: What if it's an accidental death?
Anakin: Just go nuts and break shit.

Obi wan: Alright, any questions?
Anakin: Why aren't there uppercase and lower case numbers?
Obi wan:
Obi wn: What?

Obi wan: Is anyone going to tell me what's going on in here!?
Ahsoka: It's kind of complicated, but Anakin-
Obi wan: Got it. Forget I asked.

Ahsoka: I made this friendship bracelet for you.
Anakin: You know, I'm not really a jewelery person.
Ahsoka: You don't have to keep it-
Anakin: No. I'm gonna wear it forever. Back off.

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