Christmas catalog

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Jonathan walked through the front door observing the scene infront of him. Anthony on his knees, infront of the coffee table, looking down at a book. Willow right next to him,"oo- oo I want that circle that A.j." Anthony circled it then his eyes went to his dad who was putting his keys on the hook. "Hi daddy." He made his way over to behind the kids. "Hey kids." They both looked up at him and he laughed, bending down to kiss the top of their heads.

"Daddy look the Christmas thingy came." He handed the toys r us Christmas catalog to him in which he took from the small frail hands. "Oh, you two got a lot of toys circled on here." "Yeah daddy that's the toys we want from santa." She smiled up at him and he returned it before handing back the book and making his way to the kitchen where his wife was making dinner. "Hey beautiful." He smiled at her and she returned it, "hey." She said closing her eyes as they met for a kiss.

After pulling away she focused back on making dinner. "How did work go?" Jonathan bent down to the two babies awake in their baby swings. He smiled at them, "It was good I got a promotion." He made little noises to the babies, on the side of his main conversation. "Oh really? That's great babe. A.J can you go clean up the mess you made earlier." He nodded and got up leaving the living room to go into the playroom. Nancy stirred the noodles then turned around to him and got on her knees next to him. "I'm happy for you."

She gave him a kiss before looking down at the two babies and started smiling at them. Eventually one of them started giggling, and the other looked at her father, who was trying to get them to laugh, from the side.

"Daddy, daddy come here." He kissed his wife on her temple before standing and making his way out the kitchen and into the living room. "Daddy can you read this?" She points to something on the catalog. "That is the little tikes country kitchen." Holy shit $119.00??? Is what immediately went through his head when he saw the price.

"I want that." She moved the pen in a circle and then flipped the page. "well what are you getting daddy for christmas." He sat down next to her on the light brown carpet, surrounded by wood walls. "Well.....what do you want?" She sat down in his crossed legs and looked up at him. "Well...I don't know I pretty much have everything I want." He looked up to observe his surroundings, then back down at his daughter.

"But if you could pick one thing what would you want." He thinks for a moment, "I would want a new camera, so I could capture more moments like when we go to the zoo or something."

She reaches up and plays with a strand of hair. "Maybe me and bubby can have a lemonade stand and get you a new camera daddy." He laughed, "that's a great idea baby." They sat there for a minute, "go wash up for dinner okay, moms almost done with it." She nods and gets up running off to the bathroom.

Jonathan grabs the catalog and reads it walking into the kitchen. "Might have to get a second job." She looks up at him the looks at the book. "Babe you know you don't have to get them all of it, they'll be happy with a cardboard box."  He looks around the room eyes eventually resting on her eyes. "I know but I remember being a kid and my mom couldn't ever afford anything and I can and I just want them to get everything they want."

"And that's why I love you Jon." She puts a hand on the side of his face which he rests his head on. "I love you too." She says moving her eyes on the over to open it and remove the garlic bread. Meanwhile Jonathan got one baby at a time and put them in their highchair.

Then willow ran in, "help daddy! Help." She ran up to him and he picked her up. "Whats wrong?" She points to the boy now running into the kitchen as well. "He's trying to get me." "Oh really..." he then let's the girl fall back. Still holding onto her so she doesn't fall on the floor. "Get her A." So he tickles the 4 year old. "Okay okay let go of my girl." She grabs her from the two and she stops giggling." Thanks mommy."

"Just doing my job." She sets her back down and willow runs to her seat at the table as well as Anthony.

"Mommy guess what." "What?" She says handing everyone their plates. "Me and Bubba are going to have a lemonade stand to get daddy a camera for Christmas." "Oh really?"


Bubby and Bubba is what I called one of my brothers so yeah I equipped it in the story

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