Birth pt.2

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Jonathans pov:

Once we got discharged While Nancy was still sleeping anthony woke up and so I picked him up and after I changed his diaper I put him in a stripped onesie. And wrapped him back up. After throwing the diaper in the trash I set him back in the baby hospital bed bassinet thing and woke up Nance, once she was up and ready I got the babies carseat and undid the straps putting the handle down and getting Anthony and putting him in the carseat. Once he was in I buckled the upper straps making sure it's not too tight but tight enough for his safety, and at the perfect level. Then buckling the bottom up also making sure its comfy yet safe. I put the handle back up and Nancy grabbed the babies carseat and I grabbed the hospital bag.

Once we checked out of the hospital and did all the stuff we needed to do we walked out and Joyce pulled up and picked us up once I helped Nancy with the carseat buckling it in and stuff I got in the passengers side while Nancy sit next to Anthony. "So have you decided on a name?"(joyce) "Anthony James Byers."(Nancy) "And A.j for short."(Jonathan) "That's a cute name any inspiration or was it just a name you've liked?"(Joyce) "Well I've been wandering over the name back and forth for a while and when I actually saw him I knew it was right."(Nancy) "Well I love it."(Joyce)

As we pulled up to the house I noticed a bunch of cars

"What the hell?"(Jonathan) They walk in and everyone's pops up and says surprise. "Hey guys what's up?"(Jonathan) "Nothing we just wanted to meet the baby."(Erica) "I'm sorry who are you again?"(Jonathan) "Erica Sinclair, I've fought 2 of the biggest battles with you all, how could you not remember Erica, although you also forgot a condom and we see how that worked out."(Erica) "ERICA!"(Lucas) "Just the facts."(Erica)

After everyone has left and stuff

Nancy went to our room because the baby was getting tired, fussy and hungry.  I made him and bottle then went back to the room and gave it to Nancy as she fed him. "I still can't believe this is reality."(Jonathan) "Me too."(nancy)


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