Take it Tozier

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Tw: Abuse
No one's pov:

After Eddie's mom had texted him asking him why he's not in bed Richie had walked Eddie home. When rich had gotten back to his house his smile had faded when he saw his dad sitting on the couch with the make up in his hands and an angry look on his face. "What the fuck was this doing in your room?"(W)

"I jus-" "No never mind I don't even want to hear it. Your a little fag Richard." His dad then punched richie, right on the face. "Ow! What the hell!?!"(R) "I'm not going to have a Fag as a son. That's embarrassing what would the neighbors think of us?" He then covered it with another punch. And richie just groaned, "Please, stop!"(R)

The fist just kept meeting richies face. His mother was just staring, not a single word was said from her as his father was hitting him. He held his face in his hands cradling it  after each punch waiting to get hit again. "Now go to your fucking room before I hit you harder." Richie ran to his room trying to hold in the tears, as much as he's good at hiding his feelings they weren't so easy to hide in these situations.

He laid on his bed face covered in blood and bruises, one bruise had happened to land on his shoulder blade.  He walked into the bathroom taking a Tylenol and wiping the blood off. He then took off his shirt and covered the bruise on his shoulder blade then the ones on his face.

Okay all we have to do is get through this dinner at my house. But wait my parents are home. Maybe someone can hold the dinner at there place. He grabs a shirt but doesn't put it on quite yet. He climbs out his window down the tree and walks down to Eddie's house putting the shirt on his body on the way over covering the past bruises he didn't cover.

He climbed the tree up to Eddie's window and knocked. "Rich?"(E) He motions to eddie signaling to let him in. One eddie does so richie climbs in. "Do you think we can hold the dinner here?"(R) "Um is that even a question of course not you know my mother."(E) "Oh true, who do you think would be able too?"(R) "Maybe Ben? But why?"(E) "Parents unexpectedly came back tonight and I'm not supposed to be anywhere but in my room alone."(R) "Oh shit what happened?"(E)

"Don't worry bout it Eds."(R) "Do you think they're gonna leave later tonight?"(E) It wad still only 4 so maybe. "I don't know maybe."(R) "So then wait and then maybe they will."(E)

He had gone back home and with his luck his parents were gone.

At 6 aclock everyone of the losers showed up and the party a few minutes after.

"So where are you guys from exactly?"(Mike(It)) "We're from Hawkins, Indiana."(Erica) "Cool. So who is everyone I only know that ones nick but no one else."(Stan) "I'm Erica, the tall guy who looks slightly like Richie is Mike, barely any hair girl is El, redhead is Max, the only other black gut is lucas, the short Feisty one is Melissa she's nick and richies cousin, bowl cut is will, and the curly haired dude is Dustin"(Erica)

"Ok first of all I'm not feisty I'm normal."(Melissa) "Are you sure or..?"(Erica) "Ok that's enough you too. So how have you been rich?"(Nick) "Hangin in there, doin the best i can do on my own."(R) "I'm sorry your stuck with them. They weren't the best to me either."(Nick) "So um not to ruin this or anything but I have to ask is the clown rumors true?"(Dustin)

Mike starts choking on his drink, and Stan pats his back. "H- how do you know about th-those?"(Bill) "last year it was all over the news even in Indiana."(Lucas) "Oh well uh n-"(Stan)

"Ya of course they were real."(R) "Richie.."(Bev) "What bev they're the only ones most likely to believe us, we've been telling people what we went through and they all thought we were on something, if anyone's gonna belive us about IT then it's them."(R) "Wait IT, who the hell is IT?"(Dustin) "He's a clown who kills kids. Us 5 fought him last year, killed him, we all almost died that summer. Bills little brother was one of the first victims for that 27th year anniversary."(R)

"That's fucked up."(Erica) "Ya but we can't choose our destiny I guess."(Ben) "Well if it makes you feel any better max has been in a coma, we've all almost died every year since 1983 and will was kidnapped by a monster in a scary lonely version of Hawkins."(Dustin)

"Dustin!"(Max) "What they told us their secret we can trust them with ours."(Dustin) "Oh and the girl over there the one with barely any hair she's been tested on her whole life, she has powers, the first time she went to school was 3 years ago and were 16."(Dustin) El waves to them when they all look at her. "Hi."(El) "That's the first time I've heard her talk."(Melissa) "She doesn't talk a lot, she's still working on her vocabulary and pronunciation."(Mike(St))

"Can we see her powers?"(R) "Uh, sure."(E) El grabs the can from her boyfriends hands and crushes it. "Woah holy shit."(E) "Ya bitchin."(E) "It is bitchin."(R) Richie all of a sudden sneezes and when he lifts his head back up the collar of the shirt rubs off the makeup covering the bruise on his shoulder. Before he can adjust his shirt to hide it eddie spots it.

But he doesn't say anything, not yet.

After the dinner

"Eds can you stay here with me tonight?"(R) "Rich, you know I can't."(E) "Please, please eddie."(R) They stare into each other's eyes. "Fine but I have to leave early."(E) "Yes! thanks Eddie-Spaghetti."(R) Richie hugs him unexpectedly but eddie hugs him back."Ya of course."(E)

After everyone leaves richie and eddie and laying on richies bed. "Rich?"(E) "Ya what's up Ed's?"(R) "Are you dating someone?"(E) "Um what?"(R) "You heard me, are you dating someone?"(E) "No eds why would you even think that?"(R) "then what is that?" He says before pulling down the collar of richies shirt and revealing the bruise. "Oh that? It's nothing."(R) "Don't lie to me rich, what the hell happened?"(E)

"It's fine my dad hit me that's all?"(R) "That's all!?!? Richie what the hell has he hit you before this?"(E) "What if I were to say this is the first time?"(R) "Richie.."(E) "Ok fine."(R) Richie pulls off his button up then his normal shirt and reveals bruises going up and down his stomach.

"Holy shit richie you need to get this checked."(E) "No, Eddie you cannot tell anyone or else be will beat me 10 times hard than he ever has."(R) "Who rich? Who?"(E) "My dad okay. He hits me that's why I'm scared to take off my shirt and shit."(R) "Richie you gotta tell someone man, the cutting yourself was one thing, this is another."(E) "I can't Eddie. Don't you see that?"(R)

"Why rich?"(E) richie was on the verge of tears. "Because if I tell someone I'm gonna get taken away, I'll be alone forever and I can't be alone eds I just can't. I dont wanna lose the rest of the losers and most importantly I don't wanna lose you. Your my best friend eddie I can't be taken away from you."(R) he's voice was a little higher now and eddie had pulled rich into his chest when richie had started crying.

Now they sat on the bed, eddie trying to be the best friend he could be. And richie sobbing into Eddie's shoulder. He knew he had broken rule #5, they both had. "It's okay rich after we graduate me you we can run away, get away from this town and it's problems and most importantly away from our parents."(E)

"Promise?"(R) "Promise and if I break the promise then... you can call me all the nicknames you want."(E) Richie and Eddie both laughed a little before they looked up at each other. Richie slowly got closer

and closer

And closer

Before they're lips had met, they both put effort into it and when they had finally created a pattern eddie layed back on the bed and richie scooted up a bit to lay on top of eddie not breaking the kiss. They were now making out and it kept getting heavier when richie slowly and barely backed off their lips still close to where eddie could feel richie's breath against his lips. "Eddie....?" "Shut up." Eddie moved back in to kiss him more and richie just went with it.

After they parted they realized richie was shirtless still and they knew they would have to talk about this some time, but that time was not now.
That happened and I'm not sure how I feel

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