Babysitting runaway Pt.2

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Erica's pov:

I didn't know what to do, I climbed the tree down from my window after leaving the note that had gotten a few tears on it on my desk. I walked as far as possible then eventually making my way to Tina's who lived a few blocks away and I climbed up the tree to her bedroom window, I knocked on it. She walked over immediately knowing it was me and opened it. "Hey Sinclair what are you doing here, need me to cover for you again?"(Tina)

"Uh no actually I ran away."(Erica) "Woah. Why what happened? I mean if you wanna tell me."(T) "Well I just can't put up with any of it anymore. The nightmares, the hiding, any of it."(Erica) "Hey its ok I'm here for you. You can tell me anything."(T) "That's another thing. The thing that's causing all this is the only thing I can't tell you."(Erica) "Well if you ever can and when your ready I'll be here."(Tina) "I can stay here right?"(Erica) "Ya of course E."(T)

The two girls talked more before Tina told Erica she needed to get some sleep, so they both went to sleep.

Meanwhile with lucas and max

Maxs pov:

"I'll be right back."(M) lucas just nodded and I got up and walked to infront of Erica's door. I knocked and then waited. After a second of not hearing anything i tried again still not hearing anything I opened the door. I didn't see any sign of Erica. I looked to see if the bathroom door was closed and it wasn't meaning she wasn't in their either. I spotted a letter on the desk with lucas written on top of it. "Shit"(Max)

I went back to Lucas's room and handed him the letter. "Whats this?"(L) "I found it on your sisters desk she wasn't in there."(Max) lucas opened the letter and too be honest my mind went to a suicide note because of the way she acted when she came in earlier. But watching Lucas's eyes scan the letter showed it wasn't. "What happened is she ok?"(M) "Ya, ya she's fine Well clearly not mentally but sure physically I'm guessing so. She just ran away."(L)

"What?"(M) "Ya she says shes sorry. It's not my fault and a bunch of other shit. She says she's gonna be fine and ya."(L) "We need to go find her."(M) "Why she said she's safe and knows where she's going."(L) "Lucas that's your little sister. She's 12 years old roaming the streets in hawkins."(Max) "Maybe she mentioned something to dustin maybe she went there."((L)

I got of his bed and grabbed lucas's walkie talkie and switched to Dustin's frequency once I heard a voice I started talking. "Dustin is Erica with you?"(M) "Uh no why?"(D) "She ran away from home. "(M).

Dustin's pov:

I immediately knew she would of had to gone. It was a place where she always ran to. Tina's. "It's ok I'll go get her."(D) "Um ok thanks."(M) "Ya of course."(D) I pulled on my shoes and got on my bike and rode to Tina's house. I climbed up the tree and opened the window and saw Tina laying there asleep with Erica laying next to her eyes wide open and tears falling down. I climbed in the room and Erica shot me a look and I looked at her and walked over to her. "What are you doing here's her whispered. "I'm here to come get you Max and lucas are worried." I whispered back.

"I'm fine"(e) "Clearly your not. You need to go home and talk this out with you brother Erica. Your not childish and he's not going to think that." We kept whispering back and forth. "But it's hard for me dustin."(E) "Look Erica just come back with me and I will walk you home. I will help you talk to lucas. But you need to go home before your parents find out. "(D) "They aren't gonna care."(E) "Erica Sinclair just let's go before we get both of our asses kicked."(D)

"Oh my god fine but I'm not gonna forgive you for this."(E) Erica grabbed her bag and put on her shoes and we climbed back down the tree. We started walking in silence until I started talking "Look if it helps you can stay at my place tonight and then I'll take you home in the morning if you really don't wanna be home right now."(D) "I can?"(E) "Ya I'll just sleep on the couch."(D) "Thanks Dustin for being there for me."(E) "Your my friend lady applejack. The only way any of us are gonna make it through all this is if we all stick together."(D)

He puts his arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer to him and they walked. The next morning I took her home and made her and lucas talk. After they went back to their normal selves. Erica being sarcastic and funny and lucas being lucas.

So just to clarify I don't ship dustin and Erica everything that happened between the two is platonic I love their friendship and ya. Also I had no idea hoe to fucking write this so I hope u like it

and also bruh I'm so fucking happy like I am on my 4th day of school and me and this guy are talking right now and he gave me a Hershey kiss and we held hands and walked to class together and my teacher saw me put his bracelet on the guy and my teacher started smiling at us and when we were walking into the classroom the teacher eyed us and started smiling and shaking his head😭.

Anyways that has nothing to do with this book so ya.

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