Act Three.

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"It's impossible," said Pride.

"It's risky," said Experience.

"It's pointless," said Reason.

"Give it a try," whispered the Heart.


Hey y'all! How's it going? Kar here, with some great news!! 🩶🩵

I have finished typing the entire PJO series and heading onto typing Heroes of Olympus! Hooray!!

Now, all I have to do is make some edits, put it into Wattpad (it's typed on Docs) and publish! Great, right?

As we head into The Titan's Curse, I'd like to thank the people that pressed this story and continued to read. I am forever in your debt. I love each and every one of you, and I hope you enjoy the beginning of Percaleise!

Also, this;

Also, this;

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