07. Perseus "What?" Jackson

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1st Person

OF COURSE, my first night back at camp, a nightmare had to occur

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OF COURSE, my first night back at camp, a nightmare had to occur.

It was storming on a certain beach somewhere, a white horse and a golden eagle, were trying to kill each other at the edge of the surf. The eagle swooped down and slashed the horse's muzzle with its huge talons. The horse reared up and kicked at the eagles wings. As they fought, the ground rumbled, and a monstrous voice chuckled somewhere beneath the earth, prodding the animals to fight harder and longer.

I went for my arrowhead in my pocket, but it wasn't there. I ran toward them, knowing I had to stop them from killing each other, but I was running in slow motion. I knew I would be too late. I saw the eagle dive down, its beak aimed at the horse's wide eyes, and I screamed, No! at the top of my lungs.

There was another kid there and by his silhouette, he looked about my age. I could just see his messy hair, billowing in the wind.

Then I woke up with a gasp, waking someone up.

"Adi? Are you okay?" Mariana said, standing in the doorway.

"Mari?" I asked, getting out of bed, grabbing my nighttime fuzzy pants. "You're supposed to be at the Hermes cabin," I said, rubbing my eyes, but instead, here she was in the Artemis Cabin, which consisted of only my brothers and sister's, until Mariana was claimed by our mother.

"I couldn't sleep. Plus, they snore way too much," she said, waving it off. I looked outside, and it was slowly pouring. Not anything bad, just a little something. Mariana was soaked, and was cold. "Let's go for a walk."

I handed her my blanket. We placed it on both of our shoulders.


I let Mari wear my rain jacket, and I walked in my hoodie, fidgeting with my arrowhead. We decided to go to Chiron, since he didn't really care that we were two camper's walking around at 3 AM in the morning.

She clasped onto my hand, and I placed my arm around her shoulders. She was getting paranoid, freaking out at every single twig that snapped that she had stepped on. I tried calming her nerves, but it only made her think that there was a monster near.

We knocked on Chiron's door, and of course, he was up. He opened the door, letting a smile tug at his lips.

"Miss Lancaster and Miss Little Lancaster, what do I owe this pleasure?" he asked, motioning for us to come in, as soaked as we were.

"It's nothing important, just helping my sister get through camp life, that's all," I said, placing my sister in front of me. We spent the whole day yesterday showing her around, and helping her get used to things, and threatening the kids from Hermes that were pickpockets instead of Messengers and Travelers.

ps: they are all pickpockets

Chiron found a way to keep my sister busy, talking about the process of making a bow, which she was very intrigued about. Meanwhile, I sat behind them, sharpening my bow and arrows, along with each and every sword which came along each arrow. I mumbled the lyrics to the song my mom would sing to me, and what I sang to Mari when Mom was forced to leave us.

So keep your head up, princess, before your crown falls
Know these voices in your head will be your downfall
I know it gets so hard but you don't got far to go
Yeah, keep your head up, princess, it's a long road
And the path leads right to where they won't go
I know it hurts right now but I know you'll make it home
So keep your head up

"That's a beautiful song," Chiron said, smiling at me. His big horse butt turned around, so he could face me.

"Thanks. Mom taught it to me," I said, blushing and focusing on my sharpening skills. That was until I heard a thud coming from the back porch. I raced there, cautiously with my bow cocked and ready to fire. Mariana held up a small knife, and marched her way behind me. Chiron made me lower my weapon and Mari's too, and slowly and kindly pushed me forward.

I opened the door to see a boy looking at me, with Grover Underwood in his arms. I recognised the boy. I'd recognise those eyes anywhere, it was Perseus Flipping Jackson. "He's the boy. From my dream," I realized, and my eyes widened.

"He must be the one. From the Prophecy of the Quest," I muttered. "Silence, Adiraleise. He is still conscious. Let's bring him inside," Chiron insisted and I nodded.


I spent two days taking care of Percy. Most of the time, he was asleep, which left me to read my book. But, I had to feed him, while Carlos and Asher fed me, bringing me food, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I muttered the song, looking away from Percy, under my breath and then I asked aloud, "what will happen at the winter solstice?"

"What?" an unexpected voice asked me. I turned my head to see his eyes vary open and my eyes widened.

"What's happening? What was stolen?" I questioned, not really expecting him to know anything. "I'm sorry, Lancaster. But I don't know-" Percy said, scoffing. Of course, he fell asleep.

Grover took over for me for the next day, forcing me outside of the cabin and locking me out. So, I did other things. Such as excel in my classes, especially archery with Chiron. But, one afternoon I sat with Chiron and Mr. D on the opposite side of the cabin on the porch.

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