05. Heading Home

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1st POV

Okay, honestly, I didn't want to be home already, but here I was, stuck in a cab, until I'd be in my family's house in the woods

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Okay, honestly, I didn't want to be home already, but here I was, stuck in a cab, until I'd be in my family's house in the woods. I stared out the window, waiting for a monster to jump me in the cab, but I eventually got my ADHD to calm down and relax. Music played in my ears, through my headphones, and it called me towards myself.

Okay, I'll say it. I'm a Swiftie. "Mine" played through the headphones, as I shifted my Converse.

"So, 'you from a boarding school?" the driver asked me. She was a slim, tanned, woman with dark blue eyes and black hair with a caduceus tattoo on her neck. I took out my earbuds, trying to hear, then I realized what she said. And I nodded.

"And heading home," I smiled, trying my best to let my guard down, but ADHD didn't allow it. "That's nice. I went to a Camp once, and I stayed there all year round. It was very-"

"Adventurous?" I asked, wondering if this woman went to Camp Half-Blood. "Yes, that's the word for it," the woman chucked. "I'm Virginia Seere. People call me Ginny," she introduced. "I'm Adira Lancaster," I said, smiling.

"So," I said, "why a caduceus tattoo?"

She laughed. "Let's just say— family issues."

"Is your dad a doctor or something?" I asked, letting out a chuckle. "Can be. Definitely can. But he's a messenger. Well, was. Before I was adopted."

"Oh," I shrugged. I couldn't help but think about Hermes, how his symbol is a caduceus. But it's also a sign for medical help.

We talked the entire way, which lasted a total of 3 hours, due to traffic, about what our dreams were, our "families", and states outside of New York. I want you to remember that woman. She's a large part of this story.


"Well, Adira, I believe we're at your stop," Ginny said, coming to a stop. I looked outside. We were at the hill above my house, and a hidden hill road that went down to my house, covered in lanes of trees.

"Thank you, Ms. Seere. I hope you have a great summer," I said, before grabbing my book bag. "Stay safe, child. Protect your siblings."

My eyebrows fell. What did she mean? Why would I need to protect my siblings?


I began walking down my hill. It was probably about one half of a mile to the bottom, then my house, then our woods, where me and my brother's hunt. My sister's are usually the ones cooking, but I'd rather track a wounded deer than cook food.

When I was almost there, I could see my dad, ugh, and what looked like my step-mom behind him. Her name was Cassie. She wasn't like an evil stepmom, but she'd tell my siblings and I what's-what if needed to. She cared about us more than any other woman, besides my actual mother. She was around my father's age, but around 3 years younger. They were feeding the birds out front.

I could see from afar that Cassie's baby bump was bigger, and I smiled. I saw my other siblings picking up sticks in the yard, with the two youngest sword fighting, but, of course, Brett was better than Mariana due to being in his 5th year of Camp Half-Blood. Meanwhile, I was at 6th because the year prior, I ran away, after having a fight with my dad about my mother and that's how I met Grover. He sent me away to a boarding school, so, I ran away from that. My siblings were home early from their year-round camp-school year, like we always have.

Mariana fell on the ground, but got back up again. I smirked, knowing my little sister was tough as nails.

I began to take off into a slight jog down the hill, trying not to fall. "Carlos! Brett! Ash!" They all looked up at me, and began running towards me. I took off, running to their grasp. Cassie hobbled towards us, holding her 6th month baby bump.

I practically jumped into my family's grasp, who squeezed me as tight as they could.

"Adi!" Mariana yelled, running towards me, and since, being younger than everyone else, was slower as well. Everyone left my grasp so I could be opened up to Mari. Her arms were wide open as she jumped into my grasp, making me fall and everyone laugh.

"I've missed you so much," she whispered in my ear and I smiled. I stood up, placing her on the floor.

"Wanna know a secret?" I asked her, grabbing her small hand. I placed my mouth up to her ear, so she could hear. "I did too."

She covered her mouth in surprise, and jumped up into my arms. I picked her up, as she began whacking my oldest teenage brother, Carlos, with a stick. "Get back!"

"Ouch, that hurts, dipshit-."

Cassie glared at him. "Ddddddimwit." What? I said dimwit!"

I looked up at my dad, who held Cassie's hand, winked at me and I turned my head. "So," he began, "how was it? Was he dreamy?" my dad mimicked, and I knew he meant Percy.

I rolled my eyes at him, and his joke. "He was... decent," I said, grabbing the stick from Mariana. My brother, Noah and Brenna, my sister, were hitting each other with a stick.

I look at Cassie. "Figure out any good names?" I asked, getting a better grip on my sister.

"Well, we're thinking Blake if a girl, and Jackson for a boy," she said, and I almost dropped my sister on the ground.

"Jackson?! No, that's simply intolerable!" I shouted, as Cassie and my dad laughed. "We're kidding!" Dad laughed, his funny, obnoxious, high-pitched laugh. It was the only thing about him I really liked.

"Oh my Gods, you're blushing," Carlos said, using a Valley Girl accent. "I'm not!" I defended, but oh, I was.

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