06. The Next Morning

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3rd POV

Adira spent the night laughing with her brothers and sisters, and remembered how she almost forgot that her favorite fun siblings were her twin brother, Brett and the oldest teen boy, Carlos

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Adira spent the night laughing with her brothers and sisters, and remembered how she almost forgot that her favorite fun siblings were her twin brother, Brett and the oldest teen boy, Carlos. They all shared a room together because they got along so well. Brett had his own bed, and Carlos and Adira shared a bunk, and they alternated between top and bottom bunk.

They had her favorite food for dinner, which is cooked deer venison with a side of corn and green beans with noodles and for a drink, a mixture of multiple things in order to keep Demi-Gods strong. It was so red that it made blood look white, and yes, it seems disgusting but it was the best taste in the world for her. It wasn't thick and creamy. It was more like what Cranberry-Apple juice is like. Thin and watery.

They played games which consisted of charades, who's most likely to, and Who Is? and in the team of Adira, Brett and Carlos. Together, they won a maximum of 13 out of 21 rounds, so yeah, it was a fun night.

The rest of the night, they watched movies and messed around. Brett almost broke a window, Carlos almost punched Adira in the face, but if it weren't for her defense. And by defense, I mean judo-flipping her brother over her shoulder. The kids messed around with their weapons outside, but Mariana just stood there, no weapon in hand, laughing the entire time, instead of sulking since she didn't have her own weapon. Every now and again, Adira let her sister work with her dagger.

Ok, now time for the good part. All the children of Artemis have the ability to shapeshift, and they use their necklaces to channel it. Without their necklaces on, on command they'd turn into a random animal.

But with them on, they could become an animal they preferred. Kind of like Spotify premium vs. Regular Spotify type of lookout problem. No premium, no animal of your choice, out of 3 billion different species. Premium, you could be a turtle with wings.

But, once it was time to go to bed all the kids stumbled in, tired. Adira turned her bow back into an arrowhead and placed it on her desk, which she shared with her brothers. Upon the wall, hung, was a dagger with a red body, and a bright gold shimmer for the blade. The one Adira would allow Mariana use every now and then. It was her mom's of course.


Her brother let her have the top bunk that night, but she just stared at the ceiling. She closed her eyes and almost immediately, she fell asleep. And when she opened her eyes, it was as if the day never happened.

But, the entire family got up really early, so they could get the children to camp early in the morning. Most of the other kids' stuff was already packed, except for Mari and Adira. Adira first helped Mari, since she was freaking out about her first year at Camp.

Once Adira was finished, she went back to her room and packed everything. Her brother's weren't present, because she asked to be alone. Multiple pairs of shirts, pants, socks, and all the other things a teenage girl would need.

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