XI |That escalated quickly...

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Stan's POV:

The snow on the path crunches under my feet softly, as I wander around town.

Instead of walking home, where Kyle is, I decided to walk around town. It seems like a good decision, because it's a cold November night, and most people wouldn't go out. So I get a quiet walk to myself. It's almost too quiet.

It's sunset, and the sky is beautiful. Lovely auburn shades and deep purples dominate the skies. I should definitely enjoy this view from on top of one of the mountains.

So I start walking out of town, and over to the tallest mountain I can see. The soft, white snow still crunches under my feet. And I smile.

I walk along the path, up to the mountain, and the soft, red snow still crunches under my feet. And I smile.

Wait? Red snow? I look at the patch of red snow again, and see someone lying there. A freckled, redhead boy about my age, with an orange coat and grey trousers, and a green hat that was planted next to him, that must've fallen off his head. And there's blood staining everything. What's different about this person is that he has fangs. And he looks about as pale as his victims.

I stand over Kyle, and stare in shock.

No no no no NO!

My mind races. Is he still breathing? Is his heart beating? Is he dead? Is he okay? How did he fall? Did he jump? Did he jump because of me...?

I lean over Kyle, and check his pulse. His heart is beating. He's alive. I lean my head next to his and check to see if he's breathing. And thank god he is. I shake him a few times to wake him up, but he doesn't stir.

"Kyle! Kyle it's me! Wake up Kyle!" I whisper. My voice breaks from the tears spilling down my face. I can't speak any louder than an aggressive whisper. I whisper in his ear. "Kyle, please wake up!"

I spend ages and ages shaking him by his shoulders, but he doesn't stir. Maybe he's too cold. I spot a cave nearby, but it's getting dark. I pick up Kyle and take him into the cave, and sit him up, next to a wall. It's warmer in the cave, but I see eyes watching us. They move closer. Two, small, red eyes blink at me. And then a bat flies into my face, and out of the cave. I flinch, then fix my attention on Kyle. I shake him by his shoulders once again, but he doesn't stir.
I realise that I need to stop the blood flow, so I take off my jacket and tie it around his stomach, which looked worse than anything else, then I wrap my scarf around his arm. I shake him a few more times, but he doesn't stir. Finally, when I'm about to give up on waking him myself, and take him to the hospital, his eyes flutter.


"Yes, Kyle! It's me!" I yell, hugging him tightly, he lets out a groan and I realise that it hurt him. I pull away, and smile at him with a tear soaked face."Oops, sorry."

"Where am I?"

"We're in a cave next to the mountain. I'm taking you to the hospital, now."

"Okay." He groans, and I pick him up and carry him like a baby, out, into the sunset.

I jog as fast as I can while holding my best friend, over to the hospital. As soon as I walk in, I shout.

"We need urgent help! My friend just fell off the mountain!" I scream, and people instantly come to attend to Kyle. Some doctors take him away in a stretcher, and a receptionist tells me to go with them.

I wander down halls with the doctors, and they walk into an examination room. They all tell me to wait outside, and I do.

I wait in anticipation for the verdict. Whether Kyle was going to be okay or not is the most important thing in my life. He's my best friend in the entire world. He has to be safe.

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