VIII | Another mistake

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Stan's POV:

"Are you coming, or not?" Kyle shouts from upstairs, and I hurry to my bedroom.

"Yeah! I'm coming!" I shout back.

When I enter my room, Kyle is lying on my bed. "I thought you'd get snacks."

"Sorry, fatass, I didn't realise you had to be fed every 10 minutes." I say, my voice drenched in sarcasm, as I walk back down the staircase, and find an out of date bag of chips and a chocolate bar. Obviously I have to poison Kyle's food because he demanded snacks from me. By poison I mean give him a bag of chips that are scarcely a month out of date. I travel back up the stairs and find myself back in my room.

I can't stay pissed at Kyle for long, and he thanks me for actually getting him something and smiles at me like I'm the best thing in the world, which was really cute and made me smile back, though my smile is pretty fucking dumb.

"Awwh, your smile is so adorable." I say, not even realising what I'm saying.

"Uhh I- I didn't mean to say that out loud." I stutter. Kyle laughs, but I just awkwardly stare at the floor and shuffle about a bit.

"Thanks, you too..." He says, looking at my lips instead of my eyes, like he usually does. He sounds unsure of whether he should say that or not, and his words drift off at the end.

"Oh.. uh thanks." I say, looking at the floor.

"No problem, uhh... dude." Kyle responds, still slightly flustered. "What are we doing then? Watching Netflix? Playing games? Stealing each others hats?"

My phone vibrates on my desk. I pick it up.

Mom: I'm back from work
Me: Okay, me and Kyle already had breakfast
Read 8:51am

I look back up at Kyle. "Let's watch another horror movie!" I say. I don't actually want to watch the horror movies, I just want an excuse to hug Kyle as tight as I possibly can. My best friend smiles excitedly.

"Sure! I know a good one. You might want to brace yourself, because by good, I mean really fucking scary." Kyle warns. I'm going to assume he's only half joking, because of the glint in his eyes that always appears when he's being honest or modest, which is basically all the time when he's not angry, or trying to piss me off.

"Okay, I better not shit myself." I grin, also half joking, because I would hate it if I actually shat myself in front of my crush; that would be fucking shit... Literally.


"I think you might shit yourself." Kyle says, as the glint in his eye fades, so I know he's joking, yet he keeps in grinning at me.

"Yeah, yeah, try not to be too much of an asshole, Broflovski." I say, in a taunting voice, putting emphasis on his stupid last name.

"Okay, Marshy boy."

"Don't you dare call me that again." I say, half joking once again, because I'm that sort of person. I absolutely hate everything about the nicknames he gives me.

"What's up your asshole? A brick?"

"Your homework. Good luck doing the biology essay all again." I remark. My antics seem to really destroy Kyle, because he bursts out laughing. I realise how stupid what I just said is, and laugh along with him. "Okay, let's get this movie on." I say, when we finally calm down from our laughing fits, and return to sounding more human instead of howling like hyenas.

Kyle picks up my TV remote and switches it on. He picks an 18+, and I know it's gonna be scary from the cover. I only manage to read a bit of the description before Kyle rudely interrupts by playing it. It seems like there's a lot of gore involved. I glance over at Kyle, and he winks at me. That's so reassuring.

Secret (Stan x Kyle | South Park)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz