VII | A decision

452 14 69

Stan's POV:

Kyl3: hey, has ur mom told u?

ThatOneDude16: told me what?

Kyl3: ooooh she hasn't

ThatOneDude16: what hasn't my mom told me?

Kyl3: well, clearly it's a surprise.

ThatOneDude16: oh come on

Kyl3: u'll see in a bit

ThatOneDude16: now you've told me there's a surprise I don't want to wait

"Stanley! I'm going to visit Sheila for a bit, I'll be back soon!" Mom yells. Interesting... Kyle just said that mom and him had a surprise for me, now she's going to his house. I walk around the house, unable to fix my mind on anything because of the suspense. I decide to take an Oreo, because why fucking not? And I nibble at it until mom's car pulls up in the drive. I look through the window, deciding to be a nosy cunt, and see Kyle get out, and wave at me, smiling. I wave back at him, and I notice that he has a backpack slinging over one shoulder. Why does he need a bag?

Mom lets him in the house, and I greet him.

"Hey Kyle! Hey mom! What's going on?"

Kyle and my mom glance at eachother and smile.

"I'm coming to stay with you!"

"So your mom did get rid of you?" I ask, and mom laughs.

"Yeah, but only for a week or so."

"Go show Kyle around, Stan. We'll try find a place for him to sleep."

I show Kyle to my room first, then the bathroom, then the kitchen and the living room. There's only two bedrooms, since mom used to live on her own, and I moved into the guest bedroom.

Once I finish my tour, me and Kyle race up to my room. When we get there I dive on top of my bed, and Kyle leaps on top of me.
(A/N no homo (yet)). We end up in a pile on top of each other and burst out laughing.

For the rest of the day we act like 13-year old boys. Kind of picking it up where we left off when we were 13. We play the stupidest, wackiest video games and run around the room. We play card games, but every time someone cheats (this happens a lot) they get a cup of water dunked on their head. I can cheat in UNO really easily without being caught. (A/N They're probably acting a bit less mature than you think, but the only 13-year-old boys I know are in my class so...).

We have loads of fun, and almost act like it's a sleepover. At around 8 we realise that my mom is gone. She texted me earlier saying she was going to visit Kyle's mom again and that we'd have to get dinner ourselves.

"We have to get our own food, Kyle." I say, sitting back down on my bed.

"Let's just order pizza." Kyle says.

"Yeah, let's do that. I'm having pepperoni, you?" I ask.

"Yeah, pepperoni."

I phone a pizza place, and tell them our order and our address. I'm so glad we can order pizza just like that. It makes life easier.

"Should be here in 20 minutes at most." I inform.

"Okay. What do you wanna do now?" Kyle asks.

"Obviously, we have to watch a horror movie." I say. I mean, it is obvious, right? We have to watch a horror movie.

"Of course, sorry, we have to watch a horror movie!"

We sit in my bed together and at every slight jumpscare or flicker of lights I cling onto Kyle and scream. Kyle is surprised at first, but he seems to get used to it. He doesn't look scared at all. I shriek at the sight of blood and Kyle just laughs at my high pitched cry for help. He hugs me slightly, though. It's warm and comforting and I feel my heart beat faster, but just because of the movie. It's at a very scary bit. I cling to Kyle tighter and don't really realise what I'm doing until the scene is over, when I let go of his shirt and shuffle away slightly.

"Oh... Um sorry dude..."

"It's okay, I don't mind. I actually kinda... like it." Kyle says, and I see him go a bit red with embarrassment.

"Uhh... I kinda like it too." I mutter, both of us being really embarrassed. I'm just about to shuffle up closer to him, when I hear a knock on the door. "Oh, it's the pizza." I say, getting up and grabbing some money to pay for it.

We end up lying in my bed again, me clinging to Kyle while his face glows red and he tries to enjoy his pizza without looking like a tomato. By the time the movie is over I'm extremely scared, and extremely tired. I loosen my amazingly tight grip on Kyle's clothing, and close my eyes, just to rest them, and not to fall asleep...

~X~ 8:23am

I wake up to the sound of muttering. I see that I'm curled up next to Kyle, and he's murmuring in his sleep. Since I'm only half awake, it takes a bit for me to piece together what he's saying. I really don't function well in the mornings, but I can just about make out Kyle saying my name.

"Stan... Staaaan!" He mutters. What the actual fuck...? I shudder. What in Jesus' name could be be dreaming about? Me, obviously, but... Eww.

I shuffle slightly away from Kyle, because of how awfully gay he sounds. (A/N I CAN'T 😭)

I decide to shake Kyle to wake him up, since he's probably having a much better time with dream me than actual me, and I'm now jealous of dream me.

"Hey Stan.. wait why are you-?" Kyle's eyes widen as I assume he realised that we fell asleep hugging each other, and his face goes a vulgar shade of red. I start to feel my cheeks burn a little too.

"Yeah... What the hell were you dreaming about?"

"Uhh... I was dreaming about you running off with my hat and I was running after you." He says, chucking to himself a bit.

"That sounds like something I'd do." I say. There's a pause before I snatch Kyle's hat, and run downstairs with it.

"Hey! Give it back! You can't steal my hat in my dream and in real life!" I hear Kyle yell, and I run faster, darting around the house until Kyle finally manages to grab his hat from me. We grin at each other while we catch our breath and while Kyle puts his hat on. Just as I think we're about to calm down, Kyle grabs my hat, and charges off with it.

"Hey! Give that back!" I holler, running around to catch my best friend in his tracks. I end up cornering him, and managing to take my hat back, and put it on my head.

"So we both... still have... a habit... of keeping... our hats on... while we sleep?" Kyle asks, while trying to catch his breath.

"Yeah... I guess." I reply, gasping for air.

We decide that running around the house at half past 8 in the morning is a good enough workout for now, and I make us some breakfast.

"Mom's already at work. I know it's a Sunday, but she has to work two part time jobs to support me now, and you."

"I'm not staying for long. I won't be any trouble anyway."

"We'll see about that, smartass." I challenge, winking at him.

"Yeah, we'll see, dickhead." Kyle replies. "What do you wanna do today?"

"In honesty, nothing." I say, and Kyle laughs.

"Let's go upstairs!" Kyle says.

"Okay, just give me a minute, I just realised that I have to do something." I lie. Kyle runs upstairs.

I don't have to do anything, I just want a second to think, I guess. Something about Kyle is making my heart race and my stomach feel weird. I got over my throwing up, but I still get the same feeling in my stomach when I like someone. And this weird feeling I have right now is way too similar to the feeling I used to get.

No, no. Everything has a more logical explanation. My heart was racing because I was scared of the horror movie, and I was running around. And I must've just eaten something that was bad. I'm all fine.

I realise that my heart is beating extremely fast at the stress, or...the thought of Kyle?

I realise in this moment that I have a very important choice to make - do I listen to my heart, or my brain?


1455 words

I felt like being a little bitch, so I left it on a cliffhanger because I'm so amazing.


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