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"We need to be careful once we get there. The Alpha King's men have actually been placed on high alert, and they don't know us yet. They might think that we're part of the Whiff's army." I held Glare's hand at the back of the fast moving black Rolls Royce. We were on our way to meet the Alpha King to provide extra men for his protection.

"I don't know, I mean the Alpha King and his men were present during my Ascension... he might still recognize me." Glare smiled at me, "Once we get to Castle Lycantrope I'll be able to open a portal so that the mages, as well as other Lycans from your pack, can enter the grounds. I just need to be able to see where we're going first, so that I don't open a portal and send everyone into limbo." Glare explained.

"I understand. I know neither you nor anyone from your coven have ever been near Castle Lycanthrope. I trust you'll like the place though. It is very majestic and serene. It is located in the middle of a dense forest with lakes around it."

"So only the Alphas and trusted Betas have been to this castle?"

"Yes, the Alpha King is very strict when it comes to his family's safety." I turned to check if Dave and the others were still following behind us in separate Navigator SUVs.

"I don't blame him. The Whiffs weren't a real threat until recently, when they became active in taking over several packs all over the globe."

"I agree, we haven't really verified the reason behind their sudden need to expand their territory and army, but I trust the intel given to you were accurate." I saw the heavy fog and high trees loom infront of our car. "We're here." Immediately I ordered our driver to stop the car when seven black werewolves appeared out of nowhere to surround us. I got out of the car and transformed into my wolf form with golden fur and green eyes to show them that I was the Alpha they were expecting. My men all got out of the vehicles as well to transform into their wolf forms to show that we could all be trusted. Glare floated beside me, petting my fur gently, his touch both calmed and excited me.

A glow appeared suddenly to surround my men and I, as Glare projected a force field to make sure we weren't attacked or harmed.

"My Penumbra." My wolf Deimos growled, ready to protect Glare at all cost.

"Alpha Ares! Welcome." The Alpha King appeared, he was just a little taller than Deimos, but Deimos was bulkier in form. He had more than ten white wolves following behind him. His wolf was also as white as snow. "Penumbra, I am overjoyed to see you once more. I am glad your Ascension was completed. My apologies for not having much success at stopping the Whiffs back then from causing a commotion."

"I am grateful for your assistance during the ritual of my Ascencion your highness. Know that you have my loyalty and respect. I'm here to assist my mate Ares, in providing you with more protection. I hope we can prove ourselves worthy of your trust." Glare lowered the field of protection, as my men and I reverted back to our human form. I saw Glare sneak a glance at my nude body, and I could not help but smirk.

"I saw that." I whispered.

"Shut up. We have a job to do." Glare whispered back, but groped my ass none-the-less.

"Please follow us back to the castle, we have a small feast prepared for you all." The Alpha King announced.

"Your highness, may I ask for permission to open a portal to send the vehicles back to the Alpha's estate? This is so that his trusted soldiers may cross over as well to join us in our fight. I need to open a portal to link our location to my Coven too, so that I may recruit several Mages who would be essential in healing and protecting your men."

"Sounds good to me, Penumbra. You may do as you think is necessary. I appreciate all the help you're giving my pack and I." The Alpha King said.

Glare opened a flaming portal first to send the vehicles back to Barrier Estate. While that portal was open, he opened another portal made of glowing light to let his coven's most trusted and experienced Mages through.

We more than doubled our party. Lycans, Mages, and soldiers all gathered around the Alpha King, bowing in respect.

"Your highness, greetings from the Sapphire Moon Coven. My mother, Gisselle Rosewater, cannot join us in your fight as you requested. She and the Elders are needed to keep Rosewater Manor safe from intruders, so she sent Atlas and I to assist in your battle against the Whiffs, sir." Genevieve appeared at the last line of Mages with her husband, Atlas.

"There is absolutely no need to have two Rosewaters here. I am more than capable to handle the situation. You and your husband may return home." Glare had a cold welcome waiting for his older sister.

"I am here under orders from our mother. You may be the Penumbra, but I still follow her wishes being an Elder of our Coven."

"I outrank anyone from our Coven. Do you dare disrespect me in front of everyone?" Thick tendrils of black smoke began creeping out of Glare's body. "Do not tempt me. I can easily snap both you and your husband's necks."

Something was wrong, the wind became cold, as Glare's glow began to be shrouded by black transparent smoke.

"Penumbra," I held his left hand. He looked at me as if lost, then lowered his gaze to look at our entwined fingers. "no one is challenging your abilities. We are amongst friends and loved ones. I am here, with you... for you."

Immediately the black smoke disappeared, and his glow returned. I smiled at him, and kissed his left cheek.

"See to it that you do not get in my way. It would be too easy to kill you with the excuse of having poor aim." He floated forward to stand beside the Alpha King as the portals disappeared, and we all began walking towards Castle Lycanthrope.

"The Replacement Luna..."Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ