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He sat opposite from me, smiling all throughout the meal. His eyes were shining, like he was tremendously happy with just a simple spread.

He wore a black shirt that clung to his body like second skin. His dark brown hair combed to perfection. He had khaki slacks that diminished his rugged allure, and his bare feet looked as muscular as the rest of him.

"More wine?" I asked him holding the dark green bottle, ready to pour.

"Are you trying to get me drunk so you could have your way with me?"

"My, aren't we being brash?" I said, my left brow raised but my lips were smiling.

"My apologies. I was merely trying to put you at ease."

I replaced the bottle in the bottle chiller, and waved my hand to magically separate the chicken meat from its bone, a process Atlas seemed to enjoy watching.

"That's a neat trick. I simply gobble everything up, meat and bone." He winked, stating the obvious.

"So I've noticed. Still, I hope you refrain from doing that when we're out in public."

"Hmm, does that mean you plan on taking me out?" He teased.

"What has gotten into you, Atlas? You're way too flirtatious tonight." I blushed when his eyes seemed to be studying my every move.

"I'm always like this. Does it offend you?"

"No, I guess... I guess I should be relieved that you feel comfortable around me." I sighed, picking up my glass of wine.

"You're too uptight." He said, standing up to walk behind my chair.

"What are you doing?" I asked nervously when he started massaging my back.

"Trying to calm you down."

"We're having dinner, Atlas." His hands felt like molten liquid as it continued kneading my shoulders.

"I'm done eating. But I could be tempted with dessert though." He whispered hotly into my right ear.

"Sit. I'll get dessert." I stood up abruptly, only to be trapped in his arms.

"This is one dessert that I don't mind having standing up." His eyes were glowing yellow, he had a look of pure desire.

"Atlas? Are you ok?"

"Never been better." His lips were a breath away from mine.

"Atlas, the moon. It's affecting you." This seemed to shake him out of a trance. He slowly released me, and I felt the sudden urge to kiss him... but I controlled it.

"How? Unless... you're my mate?"

"But I'm not. Right?"

"I'm not sure." He briskly rubbed his face. "You could be."

"Your wolf would have identified me the first time we met, right? So, since it hasn't..." I was silenced by his lips on mine. Gently, slowly, moving across my lips like a feather to the wind. I felt his hand snake around my waist, while the other cradled the back of my head.

"Glare." He whispered my name like it was an incantation, magical, potent, sacred.

"Is this what you really want, or is this the moon playing tricks on you?" I whispered when his lips moved back an inch.

"I... don't know. I..."

"Then it's best you stop now, before you regret anything else that may happen." I slowly moved out of his grasp, clearing the table. He stood there, head bowed, obviously lost in thought.

"I've been attracted to you since the first time we've met. I may not be sure how I want to proceed with what we have, but I'm certain the moon only intensified my desires. I truly... like you Glare."

"Still, don't you think that's a bit moot? If I'm not your mate, then you'll be using me as a substitute, only till you find the one chosen for you by the goddess. Then... where would that leave me?"

"You could be that, I could be slow in realizing it, I may be..."

"Then until we're certain, we need to slow it down." I whispered sadly.

"We? That means, you feel it too?"

"I'm not about to confuse you any further. It's best we let things be for now." I sighed, my heart wanted nothing more than to give in to his advances.

"Glare... I..." He looked sad, lost even.

"Goodnight Atlas. I'll see you in the morning." I smiled, sincerely.

And I slowly walked away from the man that I was certain... I wanted to share the cold night with.

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