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"There's no need to worry. We're fine. Mother and I are now settled in one of the coven's safe houses. We're heavily guarded by mages. It gets kinda irritating that we've lost a bit of privacy, but I guess that can't be helped."

"Well atleast you're safe."

"So where are you? Have you encountered any problems?"

"I'm fine. I enlisted the help of someone who knows the area."


"Uhm... Atlas Barrier."

"Our contractor?"


"Oh he's cute!"

"Genevieve! That's not the reason why I asked for his help."

"Sure, it's not." She giggled.

"Anyways, we're staying at a rented cottage. We need a good night's sleep to get an early start tomorrow."

"Hmmm. You sure you'll be getting enough sleep?"

"Shut up."

"I saw him once, when he came to your office. He was talking to Colleen. I noticed his bulging chest and arms. He's really tall too... around 5'11? 6 feet?"

"I think taller. I only reach his hairy chest."

"Oooh, not even 24 hours yet and you've already seen his chest. Anything else I need to know?"

"His shirt was slightly opened awhile ago. It was hot in the SUV."

"Well then he should've taken it all off instead of just opening a button or two." My sister snickered.

"Not everyone's as scandalous as you, dear sister."

"Or he's just waiting for the right time."

"Right time to what?"

"Ravage you!" She laughed.

"Yeah, right. I don't even think I'm his type."

"He's straight? Oh, you poor thing."

"I guess? I mean, I didn't ask him."

"Well, tonight's the harvest moon. Don't be surprised if he leaves you all alone to meet up with his mate and... you know what."

"He told me not to worry about that. Said he doesn't have a mate yet."

"That's a clue!"

"To what?" I asked, confused.

"To making a nuclear bomb! A clue that he likes you, nitwit."

"You're mistaken."

"Am I? You know for someone as smart and good-looking as you, you can be very dumb at times, Glare."

"I don't know. You're just putting too much into what he said."

"Fine. Whatever! It's your life. What do I care if you find happiness in the arms of a very hot and muscular guy."

"Oh, you care! Admit it. No use trying to hide it. I know you're not content to having a sizzling romance for yourself, you want me to be in the same situation."

"That was before. Not anymore. Not after you doubted my insight."

"Fine! I'm sorry. You could be right. I just... I don't know, I don't want to be proven wrong." I sighed.

"Wrong about what?"

"That I'm destined to find love too."

"Oh dear, here we go again. Still pining for that teenage boy who helped you when you were at boarding school? The one who chased the bullies away, and gave you his hanky to wipe the blood from your lip?"

"Mother doesn't know about it. She doesn't even know I'm gay."

"You'd be surprised what mothers know without their children telling them anything."

"I hope she's not disappointed in me though."

"She thinks the world of you Glare. Between the two of us, you've always been her pride and joy."

"She loves you just as much you know."

"Yeah, but unlike you, I've brought her a few problems with boys."

"She got over it real quick."

"So, this time it's your turn to bring some mischief to her attention."

"I don't have time for mischief. I have a mission to complete."

"And a hot guy to attend to?"

"You're crazy!"

"And more often than not right, when it comes to matters of the heart."

"True." I giggled. "Hey, I have to go check on dinner. I'll call you again tomorrow. Okay?"

"Fine. Go, feed the Lycan. You know what they say: the best way to a man's heart is through his stomach."

"I'm not trying to seduce him Genevieve."

"Whatever. Talk to you soon. Bye little brother. Oh, and be careful. If he becomes in heat tonight, it will take an entire week before the urge to mate disappears."

"He won't. I'm not his mate."

"I hope you're right. With his size, you're going to have a hard time keeping up." She chuckled loudly.

"You're hopeless! Bye sister dear. Catch you again some time." I ended the call and looked at Remus sleeping soundly on my bed.

"I'm not his type. I'm not his mate. I'm not about to share his bed." I smiled, then stood to serve Atlas some deep-fried spicy chicken, with creamy potato salad.

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