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"Hi, ah Colleen. Sorry to bother you, but Mr. Rosewater is expecting me." I said smiling while I tried balancing a bouquet of flowers, and some blueprints on my arms.

"Mr. Rosewater is rushing out, but if it's urgent I can..."

"Colleen, please forward any and all concerns to my mother. She'll be in-charge while I'm away." Glare came rushing out of his office with a white wolf on a leather leash.

"Glare? Is something wrong?" I asked, worried.

"Atlas, hi. I... it's nothing. I wouldn't want to drag you into my affairs."

"Please, I don't mind. I'd like to help."

"It's nothing really. I just need to go on an extended leave to tend to some pressing matters."

"So sudden?"

"I'm afraid so."

"But, you'll be travelling alone? How will you manage?" I asked, concerned.

"I'm not alone. I have Remus to keep me company."

"No offense Remus, but I'm better at conversations." The wolf growled at me. "I really think you should take me up on my offer Glare. Please?"

He stood there, clearly weighing his options. He was biting his lower lip, and I so wanted to run my thumb across it.

"Please follow me back into my office." He retraced his steps to his glass enclosed office, with me following closely behind.

"Something's come up. I'm tasked by my coven to return an ancient tome to an oracle I've never seen, to a place I've never been."

"My family has extensive knowledge about ancient places that have been renamed. Our pack has records, and maps that date back to centuries of valuable information. Said information covers the entire world. Perhaps I know the place you need to go to?"

"The Cove of Silent Memories."

"That's seven hours drive from here. At a lake named Ricordi."

"Have you been there before?"

"Once, when my dad was still alive. He brought me and my older brother there for a fishing trip." I handed him the flowers.

"Thank you. These are beautiful. Can you bring me to this lake?"

"Yes. Of course. When do you want to leave?"

"I'm ready when you are." He giggled. "Oh sorry, you might need a day or two to..."

"We can leave now. I'll just need to drop by my apartment to get a few things. We could drop by your place after to pick up some of your stuff." I offered.

"Our house burned down lastnight."


"We were attacked. My mother called them Whiffs. They were after the tome."

"Were you hurt? How's your mom and sister."

"They're both fine. But I need to return the tome. I was told that if the Whiffs gain possession of the tome, the Lycans will be in grave danger."

"Then I guess I have more reasons to help you now. Aside from ensuring your safety, I'm compelled to do this for the benefit of my pack."

"And I'm doing this for my coven."

"Shouldn't you have an army to escort you on this mission?"

"We don't know how many Whiffs there are in our midst. The less people who know of my mission, the less chances we'll run into trouble."

"I understand. You can count on me to help you in any way I can." I reached out to hold his left hand.

"Thank you Atlas." He squeezed my hand, and I felt my heart flutter.

"It's best we get going then, we have a long drive ahead of us."

"I just remembered something. It's harvest moon tonight. Won't that..."

"I don't have a mate yet. I'll be fine. Unless you're volunteering?"

"I'm not a Lycan, Atlas."

"It won't be the first time that a warlock, and a wolf have been destined by the moon goddess."

"True, but they had dire consequences, and huge obstacles to overcome."

"And yet they triumphed in the end."

"Let's just concentrate on getting to Lake Ricordi for now. Anything else that happens on the way, we'll just have to face... together."

"Together. I like the sound of that." It was only then that I noticed our hands were still touching. And I smiled at the realization.

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