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She appeared through the doorway and everyone in the room stopped to stare at her beauty. It was like time itself was suspended, and nothing moved or breathed without her permission. She exuded style, power, and charm.

Dressed in a simple flowing cyan colored dress by Francis Libiran, she approached me as I was crouched on the cold tile floor, separating fabrics of different colors and prints.

"Are these the Valencia patterns?" She asked looking down at the designs.

"Yes. They are. A few of them I've sorted out as a good look for the rundown house on Zephyr Street. A few of these prints will be used as wallpapers to add life to that structure. Renovations for that drabby and cold place have started." I answered pulling myself up to stand face to face with her. We were of the same height, a mere 5'4, but looked taller because of how we carried ourselves.

Few could face her without flinching either out of self-conciousness or in utter adoration of her. Being her son, I was impervious to her charisma. Infact, I was blessed to inherit it like my older sister. People gravitated to us for no reason at all, and seemed overly eager to do our bidding.

"And everything's working out as planned?" She had her left brow raised in question.

"Of course mother. Everything is going as planned." I nodded.

"Good. That's good. Oh, and by the way, your sister and I have been invited to have dinner at the new restaurant that the senator's grandaughter has recently opened. Knowing how you detest crowds I didn't think you'd like to join us?"

"You are correct in your assumption. I shall finish up work here, then go directly home. I feel a bit tired from today's work." I smiled weakly at her.

"Glare, do remind yourself that you do the entire world a great favor by simply being in it. Your presence alone is a blessing to the people around you. I wish you'd go out more often. It's not healthy to be alone most of the time."

"Mother, I have no use for shallow conversations, and insincere pleasantries. I leave all that to you and my sister Genevieve to deal with. Besides, I need to feed Remus. He gets cranky when I leave him all alone in the house too long."

"You and that wolf of yours. Anyways, I'll leave you to it. Don't forget, the stockbroker's meeting is scheduled as usual this Saturday at my house. I expect you to be there?"

"Of course. I will be in attendance, as always."

"Good. I'll be on my way then. Try not to overtire yourself too much, your glow is waning."

"Not everyone could stay as radiant as you all the time mother."

"Ah, flattery. You always know what to say my dear boy."

"Nothing but the truth."

"Then I hope I retain my shine long enough to see you and your sister happily married."

"Isn't she bringing her lastest conquest to join us for dinner tomorrow?"

"Is that tomorrow? I've lost track of the date. She has brought so many men for us to meet that I can't say if I've met some of them twice."

"Knowing her that's not impossible. Her revolving doors of never ending suitors has me perplexed as to what she truly wants in a life partner."

"Atleast she's putting herself out there. What about you Glare? When will you bring home someone for me to meet?"

"I'm in no rush. I have you, Genevieve, and Remus. I am content."

"Your father would turn in his grave if he heard you say that you had no plans of settling down."

"Shhh. Then let's keep our voices down."

"Silly boy. I'll leave you to it then. See you tomorrow at dinner. Hopefully you won't interrogate your sister's date like you always do."

"I shall try not to, mother. I shall try not to."

And with that I kissed her goodbye, watching as her regal form left a trail of giddy women, and enamored men.

Just as I was to turn back to the patterns on the floor, a man in a black suit caught my attention. He was following my mother's movements, but when he saw me staring at him he just suddenly vanished... in a dark transparent smoke.

"The Replacement Luna..."Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ