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"So? How was it?"

"How was what?"

"Your date!"

"What date?" I asked taking a sledgehammer, ready to help Matias and Donovan attack the imposing wall.

"Don't play dumb with me kiddo." Dave chuckled.

"Nosy old fart." I heaved then let go of the force I built to strike the wall, it immediately created a hole in the wooden division.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Now spill!"

"You're not going to let this go. Are you?" I heaved, then smashed the sledgehammer down again.

"Nope." Dave replied, emphasizing the p.

I noticed everyone was trying to eavesdrop on the convo as well. Even Matias and Donovan stopped what they were doing to listen intently. None of them were even trying to mask their curiosity.

"We had chilidogs and rootbeer. There, happy?" I could feel a smile break my otherwise serious expression.

"Surprised he wasn't slobbering all over your obviously excited chilidog, but whatever. So what's next?"

"You have a filthy mind, you know that?" I gave Dave a disapproving look.

"Says the guy whose wolf has been restless since Glare appeared through that old rickety door."

"Shut up man." I had to giggle.

"When are you seeing him again?"

"Tomorrow. I'll find an excuse." I scratched the back of my neck, feeling like a lovestruck teenager.

"Atta boy!" Dave clapped my back.

"You're not weirded out? I mean he's a guy and all." I tried to gauge his opinion regarding the matter.

"You could've fallen for a fish and I wouldn't judge. Anyone here has a problem that Atlas fell for a guy?" Dave asked the room.

"Not me."
"Whatever floats his boat."
"Hell no!" Everyone chimed in.

"Thanks for the support guys. Appreciate it. Now back to work you lazy bastards." I felt relieved that they were a rather liberated bunch.

Everyone groaned, but went back to their respective tasks.

"Hey kid." Dave held the back of my neck and pulled me in for a fatherly hug. "I'm happy for you." He said, while patting my back.

"Thanks old man. Not quite there yet you know."

"Still, it's a big step for you to take. I'm glad to see that smile on your face again. Been awhile since you looked so happy."

"Yeah, well, you guys helped me survive." I sighed.



"What's the plan?"

"What do you mean?"

"He's the son of an elder. Their family is well-respected. They hail from a bloodline of sorcerers and monarchs."

"And I'm just a lowly Lycan with a construction company?"

"No. You're more than that, but you need to have a solid approach to winning his heart. He's not just another werewolf that can easily understand our way of life. Speaking of which, it's harvest moon tomorrow night. The guys and I are planning to go hunting. You wanna join us?"

"Sorry, I can't. I'm planning to ask Glare out again. This time for a formal dinner at that plush restaurant called Iconic."

"Wow. Not missing a beat huh? I like that. Strike while you're horny... I mean while the iron is hot."

"Will you get your mind out of the gutter, you old pig. And speaking of gutters, I noticed you haven't even started replacing the old one on the second floor. Now get to work before I fire your wrinkly ass."

"Sure thing, boss." But before he turned around he whispered, "Didn't know you noticed my ass, big guy." He giggled, and I pushed him away disgusted.

Dave almost doubled up laughing as he headed for the gutters, the other guys watching him trip as he ascended the stairs.

"Sicko." I sighed, then heaved to smash the sledgehammer once more against the old wooden partition that blocked the rays of the sun, remembering Glare's face as it illuminated this dark, and gloomy space.

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