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"This wall needs to be removed. It blocks the natural light comming from the afternoon sun." I pointed to a wooden partition that served as a wall to separate the kitchen from the dining area.

"How is that going to affect our timeline?" Dave, my foreman asked.

"It would set us back by about three to five days, but it will solve our problem with lighting and ventillation."

"That'll eat up our budget for extra hands." He sighed, clearly thinking of another solution.

"Yeah, but it will satisfy the clients."

"I doubt the people who hired us would be willing to shell out a few grand for the added task?"

"I don't know. I haven't met them yet. Their office called me. I only spoke to their secretary Colleen. Said to start fixing this old beautiful house so they could remodel it, and update its look."

"You met this secretary?" He asked, obviously curious.

"Yupp. She had me come down to the office of a certain Glare Rosewater at the Aristocrat Tower on 5th avenue. She handed me an envelope containing cash, valued at more than half of what my brother Ares quoted as expenses for fixing this house."

"Rosewater? As in the eccentric but extremely wealthy clan of the former elder Maximillian Rosewater?"

"Yupp. One and the same." I nodded, looking at how the wall was casting a rather large shadow on the entire room.

"Atlas... they're basically royalty! They're known to be involved in various charities for the homeless, abandoned kids, and the terminally ill. Their company has been in the Fortune 100 for more than two decades."

"Yeah? Well, sorry I'm really not that updated with people's lives. I'm just a lowly carpenter. I like living a simple life. I don't go poking my nose in other people's business, and I sure as hell don't want people meddling in mine. Ares is the hotshot in the family with all the connections. I try to steer clear of all them parties and social functions."

"Never could understand your need to stay lowkey. Your family ain't poor. You've built a mighty fine business from the ground up. You're a successful contractor. And you're definitely goodlooking! You should be out there meeting people. It's good for business." Dave said taking his hardhat off to wipe his forehead.

"Yeah, well business is doing great as it is. I don't see the need to shake people's hands and smile at them just to get a few more projects."

"I'm just saying that you should go out there more often kid. You know? Have fun, enjoy yourself. Besides, it's been three years since you got your heart broken. Think it's time you moved on."

"Thanks Dave, but I'll be the judge of that. Now why don't you go fetch Matias and Donovan to start on this wall here so we could..." I never got to finish my sentence as I saw him come through the door.

He was beautiful. He appeared like the sun, chasing the gloom in this old stuffy room. He moved with poise and grace, and his face had this open expression to it... welcoming, warm, and candid.

"Las... Atlas... Atlas!" Dave's voice brought me back to my senses.

"Huh?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"Oh dear Lord, it seems you don't need to go out then. Looks to me that love's finally found you." The older guy chuckled and slapped me on the shoulder before walking to meet the newcomer. "Hi there, I'm Dave Fielding. I'm the foreman for Barrier Constructions."

"Glare Rosewater. Pleasure to meet you, Dave. Sorry I couldn't come sooner, but there were so many things I had to oversee. It seems you're on track so far. You've managed to start repairs on the roof, and you've also removed the broken windows out front." Even his voice was charming, melodious like a windchime.

"We have. Oh, and this is Atlas. He's the boss around here." Dave brought me into the discussion with a wink.

"Mr. Barrier. It's nice to finally meet you. My secretary Colleen mentioned you had several concerns regarding this house?"

"Huh? Oh yes, I did. I did." I couldn't stop staring, he had this pull, almost magical.

"Well speak up lad! What concerns did you have in mind?" Dave chuckled next to me.

"Dinner. Have dinner with me?" I saw Glare's left brow raise in question. "To discuss my concerns. About this house that is. Please?" I felt my face heat up. Was I blushing?

"Alright. I'm not busy right now. Perhaps we can grab a bite at a nearby snack bar?" He smiled, and I felt my entire body tingle with joy.

"Yes. Yes! I'll just grab my jacket. I'll meet you out front." I could not help the goofy smile that threatened to crack my face in two.

"Meet you out front then. Dave, it was great meeting you." He shook Dave's rough hand once more before turning to go back the way he entered.

"Nice move kid. Now go get him." Dave clapped my back, and I just smiled back at him.

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