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It stretched for miles.

No radio, no music, no conversation.

I drove, my knuckles turning white as I gripped the steering wheel. He sat with his feet tucked under him, studying the ancient tome, while his pet wolf slept in the back of the SUV.

The buildings and traffic sped by at a steady pace as we cruised through moderate traffic, the sun was high, and everything was bathed in a gentle almost calming light.

"I need to stop for gas." I announced, not turning to look at him.

"Whatever." He sighed. I tried to control the growl that my inner wolf wanted to let out. It was infuriating. He was the one who did something wrong, and yet he acted as if I needed to apologize. Well, that's not happening.

I turned the signal light as I saw a gas station loom ahead.

"I made sandwiches, and a pie if you're hungery. There's also..."

"Maybe later." I abruptly cut him off, and I heard him sigh.

I drove slowly next to a gas pump, and opened my car door before he could say something more. I slammed the door more forcefully than I intended to, and regretted it the moment Glare got out of the car to confront me.

"What is wrong with you?" He shouted at me, getting out of the car as well.

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you! You don't know how to apologize after hurting someone's feelings!" I shouted back, taking the nozzle and unceremoniously shoving it into the fuel tank.


"Yes, you. Shouldn't you be the one apologizing? You're the one who doesn't seem to exert enough effort to show me that you want me!"

"What more proof do you want after lastnight?" He yelled back. It was good that the gas station was basically empty, and the attendant was inside the convenience store chatting with a pretty cashier. My wolf scanned the area quickly as I argued with Glare.

"You know what, forget it. You obviously don't get it. It's just me, I'm a little too emotional right now, blame it on the moon. Don't mind me. Go, read your book or whatever. I'm going to get coffee."

"If you're going to be like this, we may as well just part ways. I can find the Oracle on my own. I just thought it would be nice to spend some time with you, seeing as how much of a nice guy you were before you started acting up."

"If that's what you want."

"Fine." He mumbled.

"Fine." I replied, not looking back.

I replaced the nozzle, and trudged my way to the convenience store to pay for the gas.

The tiny bell chimed as I entered the airconditioned space. It was light, and had so many racks lined-up.

"G'morning." The cashier greeted with a sincere smile.

"Morning." I grumbled back.

"Rough night?" The guy asked, a wink in his voice.

"Rough life." I went to gather some chips, cookies, and soda.

"Ah, young love. The excitement of a budding relationship."

"Some relationship. It feels like it's been nipped in the bud even before it started." I sighed.

"Yeah? So you're giving up?" The cashier chimed in.

"What else is there for me to do?" I hauled my purchase to the counter.

"You're in heat, you're not thinking straight. Try to think rationally for a bit." The guy chuckled.

"I'm not in..."

"We could smell you from outside. We're Lycans too, we know the scent. We know the signs." The woman giggled.

"I can't be... he's not my..."

"Mate?" The cashier followed-up. I nodded, quietly.

"Is he a wolf too?" The guy asked.

"No." I looked at the bag of chips.

"Then, what is he?"

"Beautiful. Kind. Sweet. He's as refreshing as summer rain, and as uplifting as an early sunrise." Cheesy, I know. Sue me.

"You have it bad. The harvest moon still has a hold on you." The guy patted my shoulder. "What I meant was is he a vampire, a human, a warlock?"

"Yeah. A warlock." I replied.

"The way I see it, a protection spell is in place. That's what's blocking your wolf from sensing whether he's your mate or not."

"Then why am I in heat if I'm not even sure if he's my mate?"

"Because, you're not just a wolf... you're human too. Your wolf may not recognize him as your mate just yet, but your human side does." The girl patted my right hand holding tightly to the soda can.

"Oh goddess, I've been a jerk." I scratched my brow.

"Then apologize, dear. That's all it takes." She smiled at me, as if sensing my worries.

"Thank you. I've been..."

"Antsy?" The guy chuckled. "Melanie and I have been married for six years now, and the harvest moon still gets us hot and bothered everytime. We have four kids as a testament to that." He snickered. "This here gas station and convenience store has been our little labor of love. Many couples come in here, most of whom are as troubled as you are. My advise to you kid is take it easy. Enjoy the little things in life, and don't blow it out of proportion if it doesn't seem to be a big deal. The harvest moon intensifies your emotions, but how you react to it is still your decision." He patted my right shoulder.

"Thank you. I needed that pep talk." I smiled for the first time since my arguement with Glare.

"No problem." He smiled back as I gave my debit card to his wife.

"Oh and uhm... can I get some... uhm... lube and condoms too please?" I whispered, feeling a lot better than when I came in to their store.

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