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"This was used to burn incense. Well, atleast it was before the entire cavern became submerged in water." I said as I inspected an old rusty metalic bowl that was located symetrically even in distance, to three more similar bowls that were broken.

"Still, I don't see an altar." Atlas replied, looking up at the glittering ceiling of the dark cavern he and I stood in.

"Look! This moldy vase has a picture of Thetis painted on it. She is shown here dipping the infant Achilles in the river Styx, while holding his ankle." I crouched down to inspect a broken ceramic vase near my foot.

"Still, how do we summon an Oracle without an altar?"

"Yes, you're right. I don't see an altar. Unless... she's a mermaid! That's why there aren't any elevations around us."

I was certain that I was right. Everything around us were mostly jagged rocks, all just a little higher than the water's caress.

"Well, what do we do now?" Atlas asked.

"We perform a summoning." I carefully placed the tome at the center of the diamond shaped formation on the cavern floor, all topped by the metal bowls that suddenly burst into white flames after I murmured a few words repeatedly.

Several minutes passed, and the wind started to pick up speed as we heard lapping sounds that came closer. The cavern became awashed with light, as a beautiful mermaid with a golden tail appeared.

"Why have you summoned me, warlock?" She asked, her eyes as blue as the deepest sea.

"I've come to return the tome entrusted to me and my family." I replied, my left brow raised.

"There is a reason why your bloodline was entrusted with the book of Lament. Why do you want to return it to Thetis?" The mermaid's voice was luring Atlas under a spell, like he wanted to join her in the water. I could feel his emotions. I needed to make this quick, to avoid endangering him.

"The Lycans will be in grave danger if the Whiffs gain possession of this tome."

"And you do not believe that you could protect the book from them?" Her hair was as white as seafoam, and Atlas was staring at it with barely contained curiosity.

"I would rather not take the chances. Like they say, an ounce of prevention..."

"I am unfamiliar with your silly quotes. Have you read the tome thoroughly? Did you understand it well?" I saw Atlas' feet move slowly towards the water's caress, his ankles being tickled by the gentle waves.

"I have. I understood every word, from cover to cover. It has been engraved in my mind."

"Excellent. You truly are a Rosewater. Bring me the tome, and I shall depart immediately." The water has now risen to Atlas' knees.

"Release my friend first, or I will unleash a spell that will cut your tail off."

The mermaid smirked before she swam towards Atlas, her hands clutched at his waist to pull herself at eye level with him. Her hand caressed his jawline, and her breath tickled his nose.

"I said release your hold on him!" The cavern shook with my voice. The mermaid covered her ears in pain and flung herself away from Atlas as if burned.

"Protective of the Lycan, aren't we." I remained silent. "Bring me the book. I shall return it to the goddess Thetis." Atlas could not move, nor speak, but I hope he knew that he was safe, and secured.

"Relay my greetings to the goddess and thank you for your help." I handed the book to the mermaid that was half submerged in the darkened water.

"Take heed, both of you. Your journey together will not be an easy one. It will be filled with tears, anguish, and despair. Remain strong as the moon goddess and her shepherd King was a long time ago, and you will both reap a long life of bliss. Remember not to give in to the promise of the Whiffs. I wish you both the best of luck. Farewell, Rosewater." She bobbed above the water for awhile, before she swam out of the cavern bringing her glow and appeal with her.

"Are you alright?" I rushed to Atlas' side.

"I think so. What was that?" He asked, suddenly breathing heavily like he just ran a marathon.

"A siren's pull. They have this uncontrollable desire to drown the male human species."

"Why weren't you affected?"

"I was protected by the summoning rhombus. It is the space where magic cannot touch the person performing a summoning."

"Remind me to stand next to you the next time we do anything this dangerous." I placed my right arm around Atlas' waist and hoisted his left arm over my shoulder, before I lead him out of the cavern.

"The water was only up to your knees Atlas. You think I'd let her harm you?" I gently waved my left hand, momentarily letting go of his arm, and the water returned to the original level that it covered when we arrived earlier.

"I just wish you would've given me a warning." Atlas sighed.

"There was no need. I was in control of the situation. I would never let anything bad happen to you."

"Is that a promise?"

"It's a given. A reality. I would rather get myself killed first before I let anything bad happen to you." I looked directly into his eyes to convey how serious I was.

"So, you do love me?" Atlas giggled.

"I'm surprised that you even had to ask." I replied, as I felt a wave of happiness engulf me. We made our way back to the SUV, and on with our lives.

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