Good Trouble (Race)

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There's a newsie from Manhattan wandering your streets again. He's not supposed to be crossing over into Brooklyn like this, none of them are, but for some reason that hasn't stopped Race Higgins from showing up time and time again.

It's not like this should really matter. Shouldn't, anyway. Brooklyn is messy and getting messier. One particularly plucky Manhattan boy shouldn't have an impact on what you're doing on a day to day basis. Spot'll do some nonsense involving a good threat or two to scare the guy off. This sort of thing happens once a month, but Brooklyn always ends up on top. Always.

That hasn't seemed to sway Race, though. Last time he tried this, one of the other Brooklyn generals was in a fighting mood and nearly left the blond with a black eye had you not stepped in and put a stop to the scuffle before it started. No one needed any more trouble when you've already got so much as is, or so you claimed.

Truth be told, you're not really sure why you helped Race out. It's not like you've got any particular fondness for the guy, he keeps bothering you whenever he sneaks over the turf boundaries. It's like he has a sixth sense for figuring out where you are whenever you're selling papes. Even when you tell him to bug off and leave you alone, he'll just start selling half a block down from you, or right across the street. Just close enough that you can see the trademark grin on his face when you roll your eyes and do your best to ignore him.

At the end of the day, it's not something that should be the pull of too much of your attention. It's Race, for goodness' sake, not a rogue Delancey brother or someone who could actually cause you grief. Race just wants to make you laugh, which is weird of him to do but not actually dangerous.

Dangerous is the rest of Brooklyn. Dangerous is what waits for Race when he's not halfway in your shadow. Dangerous is what made you Spot Conlon's second in command when there were so many other newsies vying for the title. You know dangerous, and you know how to handle it, how to keep your boys safe. That's what you should be focusing on the most, not errant Manhattan newsboys who keep getting alarmingly close to making you crack a smile.

But. Well. It is easier to think of boys than trouble. Boys try to make you laugh, for the most part. They don't come back under the cover of the dead of night, bloody and trembling, talking to you about cops and thugs busting up strikes, about workers from the Refuge who want to brazenly take kids off the street just so they can keep up their numbers. They didn't always.

Then they did, and suddenly you weren't quite so easy with your temper and gait anymore. Race was usually quick to a smile, a laugh, a joke. He'd offer you a cigar free of charge, then swear like a sailor at any other boy who tried to even look at his prized possession. You were different, he didn't want to trouble you.

So he said. Didn't stop him from hanging outside your window until you climbed onto your fire escape just to get him to stop throwing pebbles at the dusty glass. You might have spent more than an hour outside that night, and the next one, and the next, but it was only so he'd let the others rest. You falling asleep on his shoulder at least once, then waking to find his jacket wrapped around your shoulders, was pure coincidence.

Race was always carefree. It was his job, you think, his role to play amongst the Manhattan newsies, just as yours was to keep track of your Brooklyn kids. Race used to tease you relentlessly about how the Brooklyn newspaper distribution system would completely grind to a standstill if you so much as got a cold.

It wasn't entirely a joke, it was true. Race knew it. The two of you could hardly talk for longer than ten minutes before a boy or twelve would come up to you, asking for help on something else. He saw how long you faked your smiles just for the happy expression to start fading into an exhausted sigh whenever no one was around but him. You liked your position in the newsie ranks, truly you did, but it drained everything from you.

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