I See You (Race)

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There is no better gossip in Manhattan than the stuff Katherine Pulitzer brings to the table. Talking to her, you understand why no one in this godless city is able to turn her down for an interview, why no piece of information is ever far from her reach. She has ways of sinking her claws in you, pulling and tugging until you end up telling her your entire life story.

All this, and she's still the best friend you could ever ask for. Katherine's been busy as of late, the thrills of having a full time job that she loves, but you still make time for her whenever you can. Right now, the two of you are cloistered in a corner of the Manhattan newsies' Lodging House, watching the sun sink beneath the horizon through a few cracked windows and keeping each other up to date on everything that's happened since your last get together.

Katherine has her legs propped up on a table nearby, arms crossed as she surveys the scene. You swear she grows less and less ladylike every time she visits, although that's surely due to no small share of influence on your part. You're a wreck already, and you're determined to drag her down with you. She loves it, you know that.

Jack Kelly has already joked a thousand times that the two of you could take over the whole of New York City if given three days and some cool weather, and you have no doubt that it's true. That's the best part of a good friend, you think, there's nobody here who knows all the ways your brain clicks and whirs except Katherine.

Well, she doesn't know one point of interest. See, Katherine is convinced that you've got a crush on somebody here, that surely you've set your heart on at least one of the newsboys. She's trying to figure out who that potential suitor could be. Unfortunately, given her successful track record when it comes to figuring out stories, you're fairly sure that she's going to solve this problem soon enough.

You try to distract her anyway, on the off chance that it might work. "I don't know why you're so set on this whole idea. Why would I like anybody here?"

Katherine scoffs, eyes roving the packed Lodging House. "You, Y/N, live in a house full of cute boys who all but worship the ground on which you walk. There's no way you don't have a crush on at least one of them."

You arch a brow. "That seems fake."

Katherine gestures vaguely at herself. "It worked for me, didn't it? Once upon a time, I was just like you. Stubborn, hardworking–"

You cut her off with a grin. "Utterly devoted to herself and not other newsboys?"

Katherine holds up a finger in agreement. "See, I thought that at first too, but look at me now. I found Jack and I've never looked back."

You chuckle. "Just because you accidentally fell in love with the most infuriating boy you'd ever met doesn't mean I'm going to do the same thing. What caused that, anyway? You two bantered one too many times and suddenly you thought he was your sun and stars? That sort of thing is totally absurd. Why would enemies ever fall in love?"

Katherine casts you a knowing look. "You'd be surprised, trust me. Besides, you're missing one important fact: he was cute. Also, he has a heart bigger than this entire city. I didn't realize that at first. Now, who's your crush? I know there has to be one."

You sigh. "Good luck on that front. I don't like a single one of these boys like that."

Katherine's eyes spark. "Not even Race?"

You freeze, and although you force yourself to breathe normally as soon as you can, even your half second delay doesn't go unnoticed. Damn Katherine and her eagle eyes.

"What? Race, what about him?" You say, doing your best to remain as innocent as possible.

It's too late, though. Katherine knows. "Goodness, it is him, isn't it? I knew it."

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