More Than Just That (92sies Spot)

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You're walking through a crowded marketplace when you first realize you're not alone. You had been perusing the stalls, examining the displays of fresh fruits and newly baked breads when you had turned your head ever so slightly and the barest movement behind you had caught your eye. You had glanced over to see two newsies eyeing you from across the marketplace. One nudged the other hard in the side, and then they started walking your way.

You didn't recognize them, so they must be from another turf. Maybe Queens or Richmond, they tend to wander over to Brooklyn all the time. They claim it's by accident, but everybody knows the truth: they're toeing the line, seeing how close they can get to Spot Conlon before he soaks them and sends them back home with black eyes and bloodied cuts.

You roll your eyes, turning back to the wares displayed in front of you. You've just pocketed a newly purchased roll when you look up to find yourself face to face with the unfamiliar newsies. You try to walk around them, but they block your path. One of them, who has an unpleasantly stained shirt, stares at your newsie cap with a grin. "I didn't know they was letting goils sell papes in Brooklyn."

You speak coolly. "I didn't know they was letting rats sell papes in Richmond, yet here you are." The boy frowns. "What does that mean?" His friend gives him a look. "She's calling you a rat, idiot." You can't help but grin at that. "And he's calling you an idiot, idiot." The boy with the stained shirt glowers at his friend, then turns back to you. "Listen, you seem plenty nice. How about you come with us? We can sell papes together." You begin to back away, but they follow you. "No, thanks. I have a selling partner already, and he sure as hell ain't you."

The boys follow you, blocking you from leaving the marketplace. "I thought we made ourselves clear. You're coming with us." A voice sounds suddenly from behind you. "And I thought she made it clear that she wanted nothing to do with you." You sigh inwardly as you recognize the speaker. Sure enough, the boys drop your arm instantly as Spot Conlon appears out of the street behind you. He folds his arms across his chest, staring down at the boys.

"I'm going to give you five seconds to run back to Richmond. If you're not gone by then, I'll soak you myself. Do you think they can cross the bridge if both they legs are broken?" This last part is directed at you, and you roll your eyes but play along. "I doubt it. Maybe you should break their arms too, just to make sure they get what you're saying." The boys pale and practically trip over themselves in an attempt to get away, muttering apologies in the meanwhile.

You cut a look over to Spot once they're gone. "I had it under control, you know. You didn't have to step in." Spot just grins. "I'm sure you did. I was just making sure." You groan, dusting off your sleeves from where the boys had touched your arms. "How am I supposed to maintain my reputation as a tough-as-nails Brooklyn goil if you keep swooping in to save me all the time?" Spot casually drapes an arm around your shoulders, walking with you back through the crowded streets of the marketplace. His cane taps absentmindedly on the mismatched cobblestones.

"I guess you'll have to figure that out, because I ain't stopping. This is my turf, right? That means I get to protect you from these jerks whenever I want to." You scowl at him, although you can't stay mad for long. "You're insufferable, you know that?" Spot laughs, tossing back his head. Unkempt strands of golden hair sweep across his face, and you can't help but watch the light sparking in his eyes when he smiles. "I like the sound of that."

You hit him lightly with your hand. "You're not supposed to like that. Insufferable isn't a good characteristic. Maybe you should spend more time reading the papes instead of selling them." Spot drops his arm from your shoulders to your waist, spinning you to stand in front of him so you're forced to meet his gaze. His expression is cocky as ever. "Maybe you need to stick to selling your papes so I don't have to save you all the time."

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