Thunderstorms (Albert DaSilva)

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You're alone in your room at the Lodging House when Albert DaSilva first bursts through the doors, chest heaving as if he's ran a marathon. Although the room is filled with the temporarily empty bunks of about a dozen or so other newsies, Albert doesn't head to his bed, or even that of Race (where he keeps the cigars). Instead, he heads straight towards you, and doesn't stop until he's standing right in front of you.

You look up at him slowly. It's a rather big height difference right now, as you're sitting on the ground with your back up against your bunk, although Albert is quick to sit down next to you the second you give him the half-nod that all newsies know is silent for 'you alright?'

He runs a hand through his coppery hair, looking more stressed than you've seen him in a long time. Although he's the one who sought you out, Albert's eyes dart around the room as if even he can't remember why he's there.

You reach out a concerned hand to gently rest against his arm. "Hey, Albert. Everything okay?"

Albert doesn't respond immediately, just points wordlessly towards the windows outside. The thin curtains reveal a storm-torn city outside, wind and rain lashing the glass panes. At last, you understand when he flinches at the same time as a particularly loud bout of thunder- Albert's got a fear of thunderstorms.

You hold your arms out to him silently, and Albert moves over, picking you up and tucking you against his chest so your chin is underneath your head. "I didn't want to say anything. 'M sorry to bother you, but I couldn't be alone and I knew the other boys'd give me trouble."

You smile at the thought that Albert thought of you first. "It's no problem to me. Storm or no storm, I still think you're one of the bravest boys we'se got. You chased the Delanceys off for me just today, didn't you?"

You can feel Albert laugh, the gentle shake of his chest. "It was nothing. They're just a bunch of losers."

You grin in spite of yourself. "Well, I appreciate it anyway." You can feel Albert's formerly frantic heartbeat slowing down, the thrum of it echoing in your ears like an orchestra. His arms, bare from the sleeves of his t-shirt, keep you close. You almost wish that the storm would take its time, just so you wouldn't have to get up from this.

Albert murmurs something against the top of your head. "Thanks for this. For staying with me."

You smile even though he can't see it. "Any time, Al. You know that."

He leans forward so he can see the expression on your face, making sure you aren't making it up. Satisfied, he presses a quiet kiss to your cheek before straightening back up. "I think I do."

The storm thunders on, but in the Lodging House, the two of you are content to just stay here, keeping each other close.

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