Angel Part Two (Spot)

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You feel absolutely miserable. After Spot found out about the dare from Jack, and subsequently left you, it was all you could do to stumble back home to your apartment and collapse in tears on your bed. You wish you could have stood up for yourself, explained what had happened and why your feelings for him were real, but the look on his face was more than enough to silence you.

It's been only a few days since Spot left you, and you feel every single second of them. Gone is the boy who walks you to and from work. Gone is the boy that loved to listen to you sing. Gone is the boy who had stood close to you while you were playing piano. Gone is the boy that you love.

Your other friends have been kind, though. Katherine found out and spent hours drying your tears and comforting you. Jack found out through Katherine, and although his vow to single handedly kill every Delancey brother that he saw was certainly passionate, it only managed to raise your spirits for the briefest of moments before they went tumbling down once more. You can't blame Spot for leaving, of course, but it still hurts to be without him.

You suppose that's why the sight of Oscar Delancey is enough to bring out the unhappiness that's been brewing away inside of you. You were just heading home from work one dreary afternoon, when the treacherous jerk crossed in front of you. He looks up and greets you, pretending as if he hadn't ruined your life. You're surprised at the anger bubbling up inside when you see him, but not as surprised as Oscar when you drag him into a nearby alley.

"What's this, Y/N, finally going to make a move? I always knew you-" Oscar is interrupted by your fist crashing into his face. As he stumbles back, clutching his now bleeding nose, he glares at you in confusion. "What the hell are you doing?" You respond by punching again, this time knocking him to the ground. You continue to rain blows on him, not caring how hard you're hitting, just as long as they hurt. "You are the worst!" You kick him in the ribs. "You ruined the only good thing in my life, and you know how!" You punch him in the nose again, and you hear the satisfying sound of broken bone. "I loved Spot Conlon, and you took my words completely out of context to make him hate me, and for what? Were you actually so stupid as to believe that I would even want to look at you for longer than a second? You have ruined everything, and no amount of beatings you take will ever make up for that!"

Suddenly, you hear a voice coming from the opening to the alleyway. You stop beating up Oscar long enough to look who it is, and you're stunned to see it's Spot. He looks even more surprised to see you, and you realize that you must look a fright- your hands are covered in Oscar's blood, and your hair must be a mess. You step back from the cowering Delancey brother, embarrassed, and Oscar takes off running the second your back is turned.

"Did you mean what you said?" Spot's voice is barely a whisper, oddly silent for the usually confident King of Brooklyn. You nod slowly. "Every word. I love you Spot, and that's nothing to do with Jack. He just wanted you to hear me sing. Everything since then, all the conversations and moments we shared, those all happened because I love you."

Your head drops for a moment, your cheeks heating up. You can't bear to look Spot in the eyes, but he rushes towards you, lightly tilting your chin up to face him once more. "That's good to hear, because I love you too." Your eyes widen, and you look to him with hope. "I've been in love with you since I first laid eyes on you. You know why I always called you Angel? It's because you captured my heart that first time I heard you sing."

He takes your hand, causing a rush of blood to your cheeks. "It's good to hear that you love me. You know, I have been needing a Queen of Brooklyn for a while." A smile breaks out across your face. "I'd be more than happy to be yours." As the light fades from the New York evening, the two of you walk back to your apartment, hand in hand and finally allowing yourselves to love each other just as you had always dreamed.

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