Pretty Reminders (Race)

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Race is dodging work again. Technically, he's still on the job, still out here in the blazing sun hawking papes like his life depends upon it (because let's be honest, it really does), but he's abandoned his usual selling point yet again.

To be honest, it's not like this is his fault. The races are dry today, lacking most of their usual strong customers. Besides, it's got one definite point against, something practically impossible to ignore: Race's dearest Y/N L/N is not there, and therefore he cannot be there either.

He practically skips as he heads away, turning down side streets and whipping around corners until he spots a familiar silhouette on the opposite side of the road. Race pauses for a moment just to admire her; his favorite selling partner, the one girl he's completely fallen for despite having practically no chance at all. Albert and Jojo tease him to no end, but Race is too far gone to pull himself back. Yes, he's crushing hard on Y/N, and yes, there is absolutely no way to stop.

As Race watches, though, he notices something strange in Y/N's posture. She's tucked into the shadows of a nearby awning, as if unwilling to let passersby get a good look at her. This is a crime, to be sure, because Race is certain that she could be muse to the best painters in the world, but most of all, it makes him unhappy. There's one reason in particular that Y/N would want to hide her face, and that has to do with the scar.

The scar is the one thing Race never talks about, because every time someone asks Y/N gets that same shy look on her face and if Y/N is going to be shy about anything, it might as well be for Race's terrible pickup lines and not any sort of uncertainty. Race has noticed this sort of thing before, when the staring gets bad and Y/N starts doubting herself all because she has a scar crisscrossing her cheeks.

Race thinks it's darling, actually, like it's nature's way of underlining her face to show off its finest work. However, Y/N doesn't always see it the same way. The sight of her troubled expression makes Race's heart ache, and he knows at once that he has to stop it. A plan pops into his head, and after that it's only a matter of sprinting to the nearest vendor and coughing up a few of his treasured coins to make it a reality.

Y/N looks surprised when Race first presents her with the flowers. He was only able to buy her so many, even if he'd like to buy countless more if he had the money.

She tilts her head quizzically at him, although her smile is brighter than the sun at the sight of the blooms. "What's this for, Race?"

Race scratches the back of his head, suddenly shy when forced to explain himself. "It's a reminder. You'se too pretty to be thinking badly about yourself, you know that? I just wanted a good way to tell you."

For a moment, Race thinks she's going to think he's weird, but then Y/N's eyes shine and he knows that he's done well. "You're the best, Race. Honest."

The best thing, though, is seeing Y/N's shoulders straighten again, no longer burdened by untrue concerns. Race would tell Y/N she's beautiful a thousand times over if it would make a difference, and he's already prepared to follow through.

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