Meeting the Parents (Race)

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Race stands before you, nervously tugging at his shirt collar. You can tell he's wearing his best clothes, and he's even forgone his usual newsboy cap to make a better impression. Tonight, after all, is the night he'll meet your parents for the first time.

You and Race had been dating for a few months now. It all started when your best friend, Katherine, had dragged you along to the lodging house so you could meet the newsboys of Manhattan. You had only gone so you could finally meet Jack Kelly, who she'd been talking about for what felt like forever, but you were instantly distracted by the sight of a newsie with golden curls. He'd been talking to one of his friends, but the second you'd walked through the door he had stopped and stared, all conversations forgotten. Your eyes had met across the crowded room, and in that moment, you knew that this boy was going to be the death of you.

It hadn't taken him long to ask you out, in that usual flirtatious way of his, and it had taken you an even briefer moment to accept. Race flirted with every girl that crossed his path, that's just what he did, but once he met you, everyone knew he had finally found someone he truly cared about. You two were so in love that it felt like even Romeo and Juliet were simply vague shadows of what you felt when you were with him.

Before long, your parents began to question why you came home with a grin and a blush, and why they kept hearing voices from your room late at night when you should've been asleep. Eventually, they found out that you were dating Race, and so they arranged to meet him tonight. Thus, Race is panicking.

"I'se just worried, you know? I've never been to a restaurant this nice, and your family is filthy rich. I mean, you could probably buy yourself an island or something. How am I supposed to tell them I'se a newsie?"

You laugh gently and straighten his collar. "First of all, I think that's a bit of an overstatement. Second of all, if they see even a quarter of what I see in you, they'll be more than happy. We just have to make it through one dinner, and then we don't have to hide our relationship anymore. That's good, right?"

Race sighs, then turns to face the door. His hand wraps around yours, squeezing for the briefest of moments as if to give him one last boost of strength, then opens the door for you. "Here we go, darlin'."

You and Race make your way through the maze of tables, trying to find your family. Race is doing his best not to stare at the ornate chandeliers and gilded portraits hanging on the walls. He treads delicately on the fine carpets as if they're made of crystal. "I feel like I'm a bit out of my league here, Y/N." You can't help but laugh at the awestruck expression on his face. "Don't get too caught up in the decorations. I see them." Race nods in readiness, then walks with you to your family's table.

Your father smiles when he sees you. "Y/N, dear, there you are. And this must be-" "Anthony. It's nice to meet you, sir." You do your best to hide a smile as Race shakes your father's hand. Race doesn't often use his real name, he must be trying his hardest to impress your parents. This idea is confirmed when Race guides you to a seat and pushes in your chair.

With a slight movement of her hand, your mother indicates for the waiter to bring some drinks for all of you. "So, Anthony, it's lovely to see you at last. How ever did you meet Y/N?" Race smiles, and only you can see the nerves still emanating from his every move. "Uh, I met her while I was at work. A friend of hers introduced us, and I've been in love ever since."

You turn to Race, beaming, but your father leans forward and continues the interrogation. "Ah, a workplace introduction. That's how I met my wife, actually. I'm a banker, at the Manhattan Alliance down the street." He smirks coldly, letting his statement sink in. The Manhattan Alliance is one of the biggest banks in New York, so Race definitely feels the pressure growing at the table. "What do you do again, Anthony?"

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