《26》She was my friend too

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Mia was in the FBI station all night long and they asked many questions about Dom and where she was in the night.

The officer wanted to have a break so he got out of the room. Brian saw that and walked into the room.
,,Hey Tyler we got a transfer", He said to the officer that watched Mia and walked over to her.
,,You wanna come with me?", He asked as she just looked at him.

Brian drove Mia to an coffee shop.

,,Almost done", she said when she looked in her cup.
,,Why don't you tell me why you dragged me here Brian"

Brian leaned bag and said ,,You know they gonna cepture Dom, maybe worse. I dont want you tangled up in this, so stay away from him"

,,Thats what you have to say for me after five years? All of the sudden you care what happend to me"

,,What I did to you was wrong. I'm sorry. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do."

,,I'm sorry too, Brian. I'm so sorry that you had to come into my home and pretend to Love me. I'm so sorry, that you ripped my family apart. I'm very sorry that that was hard for you", she said in a sad and angry voice.

,,I lied to you. I lied to Dom, I lied to everybody, that's why I do best, that's why the fetch recruited me."

,,Maybe you lying to yourself. Maybe your not the good guy pretending to be a bad guy. Maybe you're the bad guy pretending to be the good guy. You ever think about that?"


Mia nodded, took her purse and stood up to go. But before she left she asked one thing ,,I always wondered, why'd you let my brother go that day?"

,,I don't know", he answered. She looked at him and left. When she was out of the shop he mumbled ,,shit" and left after a couple of minutes too. He got to the FBI station.

His assistant got the cross checks on David Park because he asked for it. He got the tipp from a guy that he followed.

,,Brian, I got the cross checks on David Park back and have the list of all possibles", she said and walked after him

,,What do you got?", Brian asked.

She listed all the car
,,A 98 Nissan, 2 40 with Illigal mod"

,,Wait thats it", he stopped her.


,,The 2 40 with the illigal mod"

,,How do you know?"

,,Cause that's something I would drive"

~With Elli~

After she woke up and made herself ready for the day, she wanted to work a bit, to forget the lose she made for a bit. Yeah she got a job after they got home last year, so she could help Mia and Letty to get some money.

She found a man between 25 and 30. He had a garage and not really many workers but many cars, so he was happy to have a little Toretto in his team.

Ella drove with the Bus to the garage because it was a long way there. When she came in she called ,,Yo Leo, What's up?"

He sat on a stool and held his head a bit. ,,Leave my garage, Ella", He said.


,,Your father came in here and nearly killed me. I don't want to have anything to do with your family"

,,What but.. come on man, you can't be serious . It's only my father"

,,Yeah and your papi is fucking scary. I don't wanna die, now out and don't come back", he pushed her out of the garage

,,Wtf man", she said before he closed the door. ,,And now?", she asked herself. She started walking. She didn't knew what to do so she just walked around the City until she saw a man hanging out of a window, screaming and of course her father over him.
>> Should I stop him or just let him do what he wants? I don't know<<

She desided to ran upstairs and stayed before the door to listen.
She watched through the open door.

,,Letty was my friend too", Brian said.

,,You weren't anyones friend", Dom said to him.

,,Yo can you guys talk about this later and pull my ass up", The man screamed in fear.

,,She was running for this guy braga and thinks went back", Brian said.

,I'm gonna get these guys Dom, now let me do my job and bring him up"

,,I'm gonna kill this braga"

,,Oh god", The guy screamed again.

,,And anyone else who gets in my way", Dom finished his sentence and dropped the guy. Dom turned around and saw Elli standing there with wide eyes. He grabbed her by her arm and dragged her away while Brian looked after the man.

,,Did you dropped him?", She asked and looked back.


,,Omg is he dead?"

,,No", He said as they got downstairs and he dragged her to his car.

,,How do you know?"

,,I got him something to hold on to"

,,What the-.. Let me go", She said and snapped her arm away from him.
,,I'm going", she said turned around to go.

,,And where?"

,,Nowhere you have to know", She answered. The rest of the day she had spend on the beach again, thinking about what to do with her father. She wont tell, but she loves him deep inside and want to call him dad again.

By the time it got dark she got home and saw someone in the garage.

So she opened the door a bit and saw Dom working on the car. She knocked.
,,Hey, can I help you?"

,,Of course", He smiled as she came in and put her backpack on the ground. She then walked to the car and took a wretch.

,,I'm sorry, for that on the afternoon. I didn't wanted to hurt the guy, it was just that I had to get away from O'Conner without him arresting me.", Dom excused himself.

,,That with Leo wasn't cool too", she said angry.

,,What's with him?"

,,I worked for him and you just got me fired"

,,You're ten"

,,Yeah and I have aunt who have to work everyday late just to get us some food. And mom is-.. was totaly stressed, so I had to do something. So I got myself a job and when Mia and Mom didn't saw it I put some money in there wallets"

Dom stopped for a second and looked at his daughter. The sadness came over him. The thought that his 10 year old daughter had to work to get some food. He regreted it deeply that he never came back for her.

They screwed in silence on the car for some hours until Ella got to bed and Dom got to an race.


Today not much from Ella but man she's ten.
Anyways I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Have a great day =)

~C 1166 Words

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