《14》first day

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It was now a month after her 6th birthday and her first day in the first class. Letty drove her and Luna to school. They where pretty excited to make some new friends and learn some new thinks. They got out of the car, hand in hand and walked the steps up to the school, Letty right behind them. She took some pictures of the cute situation. Letty walked with them to there class, said bye and left.

The classroom was full of kids and a teacher. They knew nobody there and were scared, but they were together so they were less scared. Everybody stared at them and they knew why. Because everyone knew who her dad was. The kids sat down, Elli and Luna of course beside each other. The class did a introduction of participants. One girl introduced herself as Jamie she seemed a little mean. She had black short hair, that was in a little bun.

,,I am Ella or Elli Toretto-Ortiz", Ella said. Everybody stared only more when she said ,,Toretto" but she ignored it.

,,And I am Luna Taylor", Luna also introduced herself. After that came Leon, Collin, Max, Tina, Aria, Lucy, Connie the twin from Collin and a many more kids. They were 22 kids in the class. After the welcome round they had break so they got on the schoolyard. Luna and Elli sat on the swing when Jamie came to them with her girls Aria and Tina. Aria had orange long hair, green eyes and wore a pink skirt.

Tina had dark blond hair or light brown. She had freckles on her light skin and wore blue short jeans and shirt with horses on it.

,,So you are the famous Toretto daughter?", Jamie asked.

,,I don't know something from famius but yeah I am a Toretto", Ella said.

,,Yeah your the daughter of a nearly killer"

,,What?", Luna and Elli asked synchron.

,,Yeah your daddy nearly killed someone", Aria said.

,,No he had not", Elli said.

,,Yeah he had and you are also a killer", Aria said laughing.

,,And killer have to get punished", Jamie said and walked slowly to Ella. The girls jumped from the swing while Jamie lifted her fist and punched Ella in the face. Letty tought Luna and Ella some self defence, so Ella pushed her to the ground and punched Jamie in the face several times, until a teacher dragged her down from the other girl and inside. Letty was with Han in the garage when she got called. She immediately drove to the school. When she got there Luna and Ella sat before the principal office. On the other side of the door sat the Jamie with her friends. Luna got hurt too from Aria, so she punched Aria back while Tina got a teacher.

Lunas parents were away for a while so she slept by Elli. Letty walked up to the girls and got on her knees to look at the girls blue eyes. ,,I expected that, but first day in school?... What happend?", Letty asked.

,,She said something mean about daddy", Ella said while looking at her hands.

,,What did she said?", Letty asked but Ella was silence.

So Luna answered ,,She said that she and Dom were-", but she got cut of from Jamie.
,,Murderer and it's true, I mean it"

Letty got up from her knees and looked at the girls. Only Jamie looked at her. ,,Murderer? Oh you take big words in your mouth young one. If she would be a murderer, she would had killed you. So be still because she won't do it, but I could."

Jamie looked in shook when the principal came out to get her in the office. Elli and Luna got expeled for five days. So they drove home. Letty knew she couldn't give them a hard punishment. They just tried to defent themself and Elli, she wanted to defent her father. She knew Ella missed him even she didn't said it. The time is hard for the whole family, but Letty promised to bring him back and she will do it. The girl needs her father. Her hero.

Now they were in the backyard learning to fight again. Letty said they have to be better. Luna kicked Ella in the side and after that Elli tackled her to the ground and laughed. They trained for a while until it was dark. The girls got inside and Luna had to call her parents and tell them what happend.

,,Hey Mom, hey dad soooo... ähm yeah the day was good and we got expeled", Luna said in the phone.

They only heard a ,,WHAT?!", through the phone. Luna had to explain the whole thing and her parents weren't happy about it. And they were not happy about the punishment from Letty either.

By the time Mia came home from work, they watched Harry Potter ones more. The kids were big fans of Harry Potter and Marvel. After that they got to bed and slept through the night.


Today an extra chapter because I was bored and got that, but a not so long chapter because I imagine only short chapters for the next ones. But I think of cute little moments.

Have a great day =)

~C Words 883

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