《21》Gas Truck

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Some months went by and the family robe some banks and on that day there was a gas tank to robe.

Ella sat in the car behind Letty and Dom.

,,Ok we're good to go", Dom said through the walkie talkie. Then he turned to Letty. ,,You got this?", He asked her.

,,You bet your ass, papa", Letty said, Kissed Dom and leaned out of the window.

,,Stop flirting", Ella said from behind and Dom had to smile.

,,Let's make some money", Letty had said before she climbed on the front of the car.

Dom took the walkie talkie again. ,,Everyone in Position"

Dom drove near to the truck when it came from Han ,,I thought we'd be robbing banks by now". Beside Han sat a black hair girl, who ate chips. ,,Thats a gas truck in the middle of nowhere"

,,Down here gas is gold", Letty said

Now some other two man spoke up. One had a green shirt who is called Leo Tengo said ,,Sí, pero los bancos no se mueven"
~Yeah, but banks don't move~

His best friend Rico who sat beside him only laught and said ,,Cada vez que te acercas a un banco, tenemos que sacarte el culo de la cárcel"
~Anytime you get near a bank we have to break your ass out of prison~
Then he tried to rip the walkie talkie out of Leos hands.

,,Stop it guys, now it's game time", Dom said now.

,,I wouldn't piss him off guys", Letty said before she sprang on the truck and Dom drove to the front of the truck to distract him.

Elli just sat still on the backseat and watched how her dad drive.

The driver in the front seat just spoke to his pet lizard beside him and gave him a bit of his bar. Maybe a chacolate bar.

,,ok guys good to go", Dom said and looked back at the driver.

,,He isn't even looking right now", Ella now said to her father.

,,But he have to look at us one time and that means he is distracted"

It was time so Han drove near to the truck and turned the car fast. The girl climbed out of the back window and on the flat lorry and hooked the car to the back of the truck.

,,We're good", She screamed.

Letty climbed over two waggon and got down to the connections. She sprayed the connection and said ,,This is all you Han", before she took the hammer and cut the connections. So Han could drive away with the gas. ,,Liquid gold" she said and climbed on the next waggon.

,,Ok T your up", said Dom to Tego to gave him the sign to drive up.

,,Lets see if you get it under six tries this time", Han laughted while Tego drove past him.

,,¿de qué estás hablando? lo hare en un intento.", He answered
~what are you talking about? I'll do it in one try~

,,It's more like three. Come on Tengo keep it real", Letty said while she balanced on the waggon.

Tengo turned the car and Rico climbed outside to hook the car.

,,Just 1 K left we running out of road, get in there brother", Dom said still distracting the driver.

,,Got it, I got it", Tego just said.

In this second that Rico got it first try, the driver saw Letty and drove faster.

,,Oh shit", Dom said realising.

,,He saw mom", Ella said.

,,I know girly"

As the truck driver drove into Doms car Letty fell of the waggon and catched herself on the ladder. By that time she lost the hammer.
The truck hit Dom a second time on the edge that caused him to turn his car while the triver shot on him. Ella got down by now. She was scared and knew now why her parents didn't wanted her to be with them. But this time they had to take her with them because they didn't wanted her to be alone at home.

,,No seas loco. Pierde tu carga", Dom shouted to Tego when he drove back to him.
~Don't be crazy. Lose your load!~
Then he turned to his daughter and said ,,Tienes que llegar allí"
~You have to get over there~

,,¿Qué crees que estoy tratando de hacer?", Tego now called back
~What do you think I'm trying to do~

,,What?", Ella looked at him scared and confused.

,,Please it's saver", Dom said to her and turned then to Tego ,,Idiota, solo suelta"
~Idiot, just realese~

Ella by the way didn't asked again, but climbed to the window. She watched the street under her and back to the other car. She took a deep breath and sprang. She was so scared that little tear came from the corner of her eye.

The road was getting short when the driver drove faster. Dom was getting faster too so he could get to Letty.

,,Spray it", Dom screamed out of the window.

,,I don't have a hammer", She screamed back.

,,Just do it"

She did as he said while the truck drove wiggly lines. Ella and Rico had to hold on very tight to not fall of.

>>And this is saver?<<
Ella just thought.

,,Hold on, Hold on", Tego said to them. In that moment Ella made it into the car and after her Rico.

,,Hold on to something tight.", Dom screamed to Letty and she did what he said as he turned the car and hit the waggon. The connections broke and because of that and Tego, Rico and Elli could drive away.

,,Give me your hand", Dom screamed again and held out his hand.

,,I can't reach you", Letty said.

A moment later the driver man saw the end of the road and that was why he wanted to stop the truck but it was to fast and couldn't stop, so he took his lizert and jumped out of the truck.

,,Jump... Letty jump", Dom screamed as he saw the end of the road too. ,,I got you"

She trusted him very much that's why she jumped, landed on the front of the car and climbed through the window inside.
,,Where is Ella?", She asked after she looked in the back.

,,With the others", said he concentrated.

One half of the truck closed the end of the street and the other half was about to roll over them.

Dom stopped infront of the end and looked at the other side.

,,Dom?", Letty just asked.
,,Dom?", She asked again only more panicking.
,,Dom?", She screamed now.

Now he drove forward and in the right moment the truck jumped a bit, so he drove right under it and in the end they watched the truck fell of the cliff.


And that is the start of Fast 4. Omg I'm sooooo excited. By the way sorry If the Spanish is wrong I can't speak Spanish

Anyways have a great day :)

~C Words 1160

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