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After some months Ella and Luna wanted to dance so bad, but not the classic stuff. They wanted to dance hip hop.


Ella and Luna ran into the living room while Han was behind them. They were in the city with him. It was fall so it was a bit cold outside and the leaves were pretty colorful. Lunas parents were away again. In last time they were often in another country or just wanted to be alone for some time, so they gave Luna to Letty and Mia.
,,Mommmmmmmyyyy?", Elli screamed.

,,Yes mi hija?", Letty asked.

,,We want to dance", Luna said in excitement.

,,Oh cool, I know a cool ballet school near our house", Mia said between.

,,What?! no, not balett", Ella said.

,,We wanna do Hip Hop", Luna said.

,,Hip Hop?", Mia asked confused.

,,Yeah", The girls said together.

,,The girls saw some Hip Hop dancer in the city", Han said with his Chips in the hand.

,,We can do that"

~Flashback end~

Now they were backstage to practice there dance ones more. The kids between six and eight were pretty excited because they had there first a battle against other groups. They were called ,,The Mushrooms". And they had to dance against the tigers, the beautis and the black flowers. That was all groups with kids between five and nine.

First the tigers danced there choreography. It was pretty good but one of the girls tripped and fell. And one boy didn't saw her and fell over the girl.

After that came the black flowers. They were good. The moves was in sync. Ok not all but anyways pretty good.

Then came the beautis. The choreography weren't that good and the music didn't fit.

The girls were next. When a woman called ,,The Mushrooms", on the stage, the girls group walked on the stage and stood there together. Mia filmed the whole think and they were very good. Every move were perfectly in sync. At the end, the whole crowd jumped up and started applaud. The jury was entchanted. Only the other groups looked pissed and some of the five year olds cried. Even that Lena had to sneeze, didn't care. The girls were very happy and ran behind stage. They jumped up and down in excitement when Mia, Letty and the parents from Luna came over. Ella and Luna ran over to them and asked if they saw it. Of course they saw it, but the girls were soo excited that they couldn't stop asking.

After some time all groups got called on the stage for the prize giving. ,,So all groups did very good. The 3rd prize is toooo... The tigers. You did great.", The woman said and the tigers got there prize. ,,And the 2th place was very good but one group was better... The black flowers. It was beautiful congratulation", The woman gave them there prize.
,,Ok now only two groups are left, both pretty good but one was better. And that was... The mushrooms you won the first place".

The kids jumped up in excitement and there trainer Miss Rushman took the prize. They did a photo together and as addition the girls danced it ones more. After that Luna and her parents drove home, but Ella, Mia, Letty and Han drove in a restaurant to celebrate the win. It was the last day before Han drove away again. He wanted to stay until Ellis performance. Han and Ella became pretty close. He was a uncle for her, so she was very sad when he said that he wanted to go.

It was a chinece restaurant. Ella and Han got rice with duck. While Mia and Letty got glass noodles. The food was good and they talked a lot about the show and laughed about the boy that fall over the girl. After they ate they drove home and Han got all his stuff to drive away.

Ella stood beside his car as he packed all the stuff in the car. She was slightly sobbing when Han came over to her and bend down on her size. He brushed her long brown hair back and said ,,Hey, don't cry I will come back. Promise"

,,Pinkie promise?", She asked and screached out her little finger and he took it in his.

,,Pinkie promise". He pulled her in a hug what only made her cry more. The hug didn't last long because Letty grabbed Elli from behind and rested the girl on her arms. Han hugged Mia and Letty one more time to say goodbye. But how we learn once Goodbyes aren't forever. They will see each other again and Ella knew that.

~Anywhere in Peru~

A Man was leaning on his car. The sun slowly went down. The man had his phone in his hand and watched a video. The video of Ella and Luna dancing. The man smiled sadly. >>I wish I could be with you, but it is to dangerous. I'm so sorry girly<< He thought to himself and looked at the picture he once got from his little girl.


Hello, I don't really know how I imagine the dance self but I imagine it good.

What is your hobby?

Mine is singing, drawing and photography.
Have a great day =)

~C Words 884

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