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 "Hey, why don't you be my boyfriend?"

 Ling Ke couldn't believe his ears when he heard the person in front of him ask this sentence in a low voice.

 That was the person he had been secretly in love with for several years. At this moment, the corners of the other person's lips curled slightly, and there was an ambiguity in his smile, and his deep eyes looked at him right and wrong.


 001. First meeting

 Ling Ke met Qi Feng for the first time during the summer vacation of the year he graduated from primary school.

 I still remember that summer when the temperature was surprisingly high and the sun was scorching hot. He took the subway alone to the Conservatory of Music to take the amateur piano grade 8 exam. When he got there, he was so hot that he was soaked.

 Entering the examination waiting room, Ling Ke found a side seat and sat down, flipped through the music scores, and recalled the few technical points that would be the focus of examination, especially the "Etude No. 21" by Cramer.

 The rhythm of this song is very fast, and it mainly focuses on training the strength of the three, four, and five fingers of the right hand. These three fingers are exactly the weakest point of Ling Ke. Practice in small increments.

 At this moment, there was a sudden soft sound beside him, and a boy about his age sat down.

 The boy was wearing an exquisite and beautiful black performance suit, with a small waistcoat wrapped around his waist. His black hair was neatly combed against a jade-like complexion. Although he was still young and his palm-sized face hadn't fully grown, he The handsome facial features can already see the prototype of a handsome guy. Coupled with a pair of naturally smiling eyes, he will become a star-like figure in a few years.

 Ling Ke stared blankly at him for two seconds. He had never seen such a beautiful person before, so he was inexplicably nervous.

 "Hello." The man looked at him with a smile, and asked, "What's your name?"

 There was a nice smell on the other party, a faint fragrance, and I don't know whether it came from the clothes or the hair.

 Ling Ke thought of his sweat-soaked t-shirt, afraid of making the other party uncomfortable, he subconsciously leaned to the side.

 Instead, the man moved closer and introduced himself, "My name is Qi Feng."

 "My name is Ling Ke." He replied in a low voice.

 A bright smile broke out on Qi Feng's face, he stretched his neck and asked again: "How old are you this year?"

 His pretty cat-like eyes swept around the waiting room, turned back to stare at Ling Ke and said, "I see here You are the same age as me, have you graduated from primary school yet?"

 Ling Ke's personality in front of others was a bit introverted, he didn't expect this person to be so familiar, as if meeting you for the first time was like an old friend of yours. People have no resistance at all!

 "I... graduated, just graduated this year." Ling Ke said.

 Qi Feng said happily: "Wow, me too! What elementary school did you go to? Where did you go to junior high school? How many years have you studied piano?" The other party asked so many

 questions like a car wheel, Ling Ke didn't know Which one to talk about first.

 After clearing his mind, he reported his primary school and the corresponding junior high school, and said: "I started learning piano in the second grade, and it has been five years." It is not too early to learn

The Day I Became A Fake Boyfriend To The School GrassWhere stories live. Discover now