Chapter 11

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Kyra: Back to Raychel's P.O.V.


I walk down from the tree house. I get to the ground and Link soon follows behind me. He wraps me in his arms. We walk inside the house. Link and I walk towards the sofa. He hands me my phone.

"What's this for?" He stares at me for a while before answering.

"You need to text them. You don't need to ignore them about something like this." His voice is strong. This is the first time he's been this serious. I take the phone and text them.

Me: Misty and Cyle. Come to Link's house. We need to talk!

Misty: I'll be there in a bit. You okay?

Cyle: I'll be there soon. Yeah what Misty said.

Me: Don't play dumb! Come over now! 5 minutes. Tik Tik. Time is passing!

Misty: OK!

Cyle: k

They act like nothing happened. I'm pretty sure they plan for me to see that. I know them two like the back of my hand. Cyle promised me not to get with Misty. I feel my trust for Cyle and Misty is gone. Now I'll be like a third wheel. Name a successful third wheel. Yep, none.

The door rings and I rush to it. I open the door and Misty has her purse in her hand and Cyle stands stiff. He stares at me with a look in his eyes. I lift my hand up and slap him. I feel the quick string in my hand. I have no regrets about that.

"What the hell Raychel! You asked me to come over to slap me!" I want to slap him again, but hold myself back.

"Come inside. We need to talk. Y'all are in big trouble with me." Link exist the room scared of what might happen. He knows the harm I can do when I'm mad. "So when were you gonna tell me? After the scene outside, I hoped it would be soon." They show no emotion. A few minutes pass and Misty decides to speak up.

"Well, we weren't even sure ourselves. This relationship between us was new for us. Being friends and all we had a lot of risks to go through.We're sorry we never told you. We just weren't sure." Cyle nods of approval of what Misty said. I look down at the sofa and Cyle and Misty's hands are locked together. I slap Cyle one more time.

"Raychel! There gets to a point where you need to stop. That's now!"  Misty gets closer to Cyle. She looks at me with a face that I can only decribe as bitter. What have I become? I'm turning into a monster. I have changed from the sweet girl, to the one who will hurt you if you do something she doesn't like. I'm blaming it on the locket. It will take some weight off knowing I have something to blame for my actions.

"Raychel! You're a monster! I'm leaving!" She gets up and helps Cyle up as he rubs his face where I slapped him. "By the way, next time you need us we won't come." I want to die. I curl into a ball on the floor. Misty was right. Monster. I don't want anyone to see me in this state. I look weak.

I gain strength and get up off the floor. Link walks into the room and grabs my arm, but I push him off. "Are you okay Raychel?" I don't look up at him. I don't even want to be or do anything. I walk out the door and get into my car. I start it and drive out of the driveway. I look over at Misty's house. Her and Cyle are on the front door steps. Cyle has ice on his face and Misty is wrapped around him. I drive a little more down the road before bursting into tears.


Kyra: Herrrrrrrrroooooooooooo...... I've been stressed. I'm not sure what I'm doing with my new book, but it is happening! Well check out the beginning, The story is called Sweet Devotion. Have fun. Want a hug. *Walks behind you and wraps arms around you* *whispers* hi dare... ............................ GOSHSHHSH I'M BECOMING A CREEP... It's late... nighttttt

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