Chapter 7

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Kyra: This chapter is well tearful? Yeh tearful. You are warned!


I stare at her. She looks at me. Her eyes are beaning at me. She brushes her blond hair out of her face. I'm still frozen.

"Hi Raychel. You want to.... Save him?" I look her straight in the eyes.

"Alice. Why would you do something like this?" She simply smiles at me and waits for my second response. I sigh. "Jess." She stiffens at his name. I notice the scene isn't flashing anymore. She gives me a glare. Almost as if I said something that was cursed.

"You let him do these things to me. Shot me. Find me. Hunt me. Hate me. Then you get Link and you get the best love. Don't you think that's unfair?" I want to say I'm not with Link, but then I see something in the background moving. Alice turns her head. It's a girl. Long red hair, and riped jeans with blood on her shirt, and my locket.

"Alice! Let Link go. Just because Jess fucked you over doesn't mean you can take my love." The girl steps closer. I see her face clearly though the smoke. She has cuts all over her face and gray ash everywhere. She glaces over at me and smiles. Then, nods.

"Raychel, silly girl. You thought I would let you have the one thing that killed me. Love?" I give the girl a look. She's me. Older Raychel has a déjà vu look on her face. So this is how I'm gonna end up as. I shake off the thoughts and look at Alice. The fire is growing around her and Link is still turned away from the fire. The fire has been inches away from him for a while.

"Alice I will not let you hurt him. I couldn't help he shot you. He was crazy. I got lost. The locket ruined me." Older Raychel looks around the area and pause at one area and looks away. I glance over to the area. There's Link. So now there's young Raychel and older Raychel as well as young Link and older Link. Why were we brought here. Is this where we die? I start to craw towards Link. Older Raychel gives me a look to stop. I do as told. Alice is looking at the floor benether Older Link.

"He's.... Well... Toast? Hah. Raychel I guess you will not be need this since all your troubles are gone. Love is one of the biggest battles and it's going to be gone soon. I'm just trying to make your life as simple and painless as possiable." I feel something push me down on the ground.

I awaken to the floor of the living room. Yup. Still blood on the floor. That was going to be a hell of a mess to clean. I look at the locket.

Sometimes knowing the end, can change your end.

I clinch the locket to my chest. I can't let Link end that way. I might not love him now, but my feelings for him aren't like most. The way he looks at me makes me.... Aggg.... I'm starting to sound like Bella! I'm with Chris! No thinking about Link! Chris, Link, Chris, Link.... Minecraft. After all that's happened I just need some Minecraft.

I get on my world. I spawn next to my house and it's night. I climb the stairs and go to bed. For some weird reason i try to type the most I can before the day beginnes. I wake up and start to mine.

~3 hours later~

My eyes start to sting from looking at the computer for too long. I save the game and turn off my computer. I grab my phone to look at it.

Linky :D:

Hey wanna come over and talk about what happened? Wait... Did you see it too.

-Honey Bunnnnnnnnnnn <3

I give Link a call can drive over to his house. I knock once and the door swings open.

"Thank god your here! Raychel. Tell me what's going on?" He isn't his laughing, funny self. He's serious and creepy. He's holding my wrist tightly. I can tell that scared him. I'm still standing at the doorway. I move my eyes in the direction I want to go so I can shut the door.

"Link. I think I know, but also don't." He gives me a nod to keep talking. "Alice was Jess's wife, the teacher that had the gun, he killed her. She then told me she was going to kill you because she didn't want me to have love if she did get to. She said I could stopped her from being killed, but I really couldn't. Then, some girl came. She was me, but older. Maybe a few months or so. Well you know the rest. Then I read the locket Chris had given me and it said you could change your ending or something like that. Now were here."

He looks at me in disbelief. He wants to say something, but nothing comes out. Just heavily breathes. He starts to blush.

"So, you love me?" I widen my eyes and slap him. "Raychel! I was just kidding, but if that's the future then you must love me?" Chris. Raychel you love Chris. Chris is your boyfriend not Link. Link looks me straight in the eyes and  becomes serious again. "Maybe this is where the love is." He leans towards me. I don't step back, but I step forward. He leans closer until were inches away. "Better go talk to Chris." He takes a step back and kisses my forehead. I hang my head low. I don't want Chris. He's the one being me the vision. I want Link.

I  knew what I had to do.You know that feeling you get when you see, hear, or read a cute lovely thing and get this kind of feeling. It starts in your stomach and you just wanna jump and look like a complete freak. Yeah. Link gives me that feeling. It's painfully good. You want it to happened all the time, but it hurts when you can't do anything with that feeling. Make the person you love smile. Kiss them. Even giving them a simple hug. Even though I'm with Chris I want to be with Link. I'm not sure if Link feels the same, but I want him. Not in a sexually way. Just a lovely way.

I grab my phone out of my pocket and Link just looks at me. I dial Chris's number.

"Hey Raychel. I've been meaning to talk to you."

"Chris. I don't think were working out." These a long pause and I look up at Link. His expression is confused. "I think we need to" I tighten my face together. "break up." Done. Chris and I are done. I never thought I would ever do this. Even if I thought I would I never thought over the phone. Now I feel like a jerk!

"I feel the same way." Pause. The silence kills. "Bye Raychel. I won't be here at 2. You can come over then and get your stuff. Bye." He hangs up. I relase my tears I've been holding back. Link grabs me and holds me. I gave up. My heart hurts. If I thought that was love then what is? I look up at Link and begin getting closer. He smiles as I close my eyes.


Kyra: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW..... ^.^ What do you think will happen? Yes.... Rhris is over... or Caychel... but there could be a Rink or Laychel or Lichel or Raink.. Gosh sooo many names. Should I do a Cyle P.O.V because I have a special surprise for him... *evil Laugh*

----------------------------------------> Oh so hot Link...

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