Chapter 2

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When the bell rang I got up and grabbed Misty's arm. We shared a evil smile and ran to Alice's classroom. I hope she isn't at her desk. We pass Mrs. Rosa, the Senor AP teacher, and asked her where Alice's room was. Misty and I never had her as a teacher, but a few friend had. She shows us where it is and we run toward her room. She in there. I rush in and in sink Misty and I slam our fist onto her desk. She jolts her head up. Anger rushes through my blood. Alice has got some guts if she's here leaving Jess heartbroken.

"Is everything okay girls?" she has a puzzled look on her face. I can tell Misty didn't like that question. Now I'm scared what Misty's response is going to be.

"You have a lot of fuckin' guts coming here I hope you know! You make me sick!" Misty still has her fist on the desk. Alice gives me a what-is-she-saying look. I start to calm down. I look down and notice Alice still has her ring on. Now I'm mad again. I did something next I wish I hadn't. I slapped her. Misty looked surprised. I'm not a violent person, but when someone messes with someone close to me. They got to be ready for trouble.

"I hope you had a good reason for that. I will report you if you don't tell me why." Misty looks over to me. I have no responce. I start getting tears in my eyes.

"What did you do to Jess? Did you fuckin leave him for some other man? Why are you still wearing the ring? Tell me!" I didn't know I was able to become so angry. She looks up at me, then Misty, then me again.

"He... Left.... Me..." My jaw drops. I can't believe I didn't think of that. It just isn't Jess's personality to do such a harsh thing. I run over to comfort Alice's side.

"Alice. I'm. So. Sorry." She looks up and me and gives me a hug.

"Sweetie. I know what you thought, but at least now I know you got enough guts to slap a teacher." I laugh even though I'm unbelievably mad at myself and Jess. I thought I knew him. I never thought he would do such a thing. Alice gives Misty and I a pass to our next class. Misty and I walk in separate directions. In order for me to get to my next class I have to walk outside the school. I calm myself down from the drama early this morning and I finally realise that somethings moving in my bag. I take it carefully off my shoulder just in case it was something not just my imagination. I take a few things out of  my bag. The court yard becomes chilly. The sky is darking. I want to find out what's in here. I rush to take everything out. I notice my locket isn't there.

I look up and I'm in a forest. I notice I'm not wearing my regular clothes. I'm wearing a flora dress. Pink stitching up and around the edge of the dress. It very pretty, but not my style. I feel something in my chest. I feel something hard. I look down and see the locket. Implanted in my chest. I'm in a forest I've never seen, wearing a dress I'd never wear, and have a fuckin leaf in my chest. Yeah. I most of got some of the fumes from the hippies in the court yard before me. I feel a pain in my chest. I open the locket. Inside it says something different then before.

I'm not here to hurt you

in less your hear to hurt me

I want to cry. I'm scared. I close my eyes. Open them, but see nothing. I hear a voice.

"Raychel. Are you okay?" Thank god! It's Chris. I quickly look over to my bag and search for the locket, but I just fall back.

"Raychel? Do you need help. I'll go and get someone. Please say you're okay!" He chocked but a few words.

"No. I'm fine. Can you give me my bag I missed placed something." He hands it over and with all my last strength I look to find the locket. It was sitting there wide open with the words still on it. May it was a dream. Chris picks me up and takes me to the nurse. I feel my chest to see if the locket it there still. Lucky it isn't. The nurses office is far way from the court yard so I fall asleep in Chris's arms.

~few hours later~

I wake up. There's a bright light in my face. I try to left myself up to see where I am. I'm to weak so I just collapse. I hear a women talking. It reminds me of my mother and father's talking in the middle of the night. They died when I was 13. It impacted me so hard. I didn't have a mother to help me with problems in school and a father to comfort me when I'm sad. Lucky for me, I seem to forget easier then remember. I hear them talking about Becca. She's one of my best friends. She is honesty one of the craziest person I know. They said she had been hit. She would survive, but with traumatic injury. I feel bad. Now I want to know what happened to me. I finally get enough strength to left myself up. The nurse comes rushing over to me.

"Oh good! Sweetie, how do you feel?" I nod. I don't have enough strength to talk. I feel so weak. It hurts. She hands me a tea. I drink it. It's hot raspberry. I smells like Chris. I hear the door open. Chris walks in. Weird timing isn't it? He sits beside me. I lay on his lap. He takes my tea.

"How do you feel?" Now that I'm laying down I have enough strength to speck.

"Good." Damn that hurt. He moves my hair to one side and kisses my cheek. The nurse walks in.

"Raychel, do you know what happened earlier?" I shake my head.

"You were attacked. In your luck Chris was called over here to take his medicine just in time to see you. You could have died." I don't know what to say. Damn, am I lucky. Chris runs his hands threw my hair and then helps me sit up.

"Who attacked me?" I don't remember that. Just the weird dream. I get scared, but hold back the fear. The fact is: I am safe. The nurse doesn't reply, but shows a picture of my chest. Bite marks. Right where the locket was. I don't speck. Today has been a weird day. I don't know if I'm scared or confused. I look at Chris and fall asleep again. I plan on going to his house after school. He lives with his brother because his dad is in the army and mom is staying in Italy 6 months longer. I wake up and I'm in Chris's living room. Knew it. I get up.

"Hey Babe. How did you sleep?" I smile. He has a water in his hand a medicine in the other.

"Nurse recommend. It isn't that bad at least. Hah. What does the bite look like?" I hadn't seen it personally yet so I was a little curious. In the picture it didn't look that big. It's HUGE!

"Oh My God Chris!" He grabs me before I fall over again. I can't breathe. How could I live with this huge bite across my chest.

"You need sleep. Take the meds and drink water. Night babe." He kisses me and leaves. How did this happen?


Eeeeeeeek! I wanted to write all day. I will write more tomorrow hopefully. Hope you like it. I know the teacher thing doesn't seem impotent, but it is. Eeeeeep! ^.^  :N *w* eeeep I love these faces. Night Night! <3


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