Chapter 9

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Kyra: Just so you know... This chapter is going to be short. It's 9:30 at night and I want to watch youtube videos and be asleep by 11, but I really want to write. So be prepared for some cray cray writing.


Raychel's P.O.V.

I feel Link's breath brush my cheek. I want him to kiss me already, but I'm to scared. I just broke up with Chris and now I want another man. I'm acting like a slut. He brushes my hair out of my face.

"Raychel." His voice is soft and strong. I feel my knees almost giving in. I step back before I melt. I know my face is red as a cherry, but he makes me that way.

'Link, let's wait. We need to figure out the vision before what... this is.. okay?" He smiles and kisses my forehead. He nods and smiles.

"So, the locket had the message. Were you doing something with the locket before the scene happened?" His voice is lighter now and more relaxed.

"I want to go and look at it and it had something on it. I went to opened it and saw it had blood on it. Then I opened it. It was filled with blood. For about a hour the scene flashed in my head then became clear. I wake up from the dream and the locket had words on it. Then I'm here, life's pretty messed up. Huh." He smiles and draws himself closer to me. "Link" I say in a hushed voice.

"Raychel. What do you want with this relationship? I know what I want." I whisper what in his ear. "You." I blush. We take a few steps back. He puts his hands on my cheeks. "You're so beautiful." His voice is heavily and sexy. I look him in the eyes. I grab his wrists. We keep our eyes locked. I lock our fingers. We become close again.

"When did you get these feelings?" Our lips are almost touching.

"Since you came into my store. I want to kiss you when we were sitting on the floor eating the food, but I was afraid because you were with someone. Now I'm not." His voice trails up my spin.

"Kiss m-" My phone starts to ring. Just on cue.

Cyle: Hey. I broke up with Jessie. She of course was cheating on me with Jake. :/

Me: I broke up with Chris! YAY! I feel better about it now.

Cyle: Seriously! Raychel! Well can I come over? A little hurt.

Me: I'm kind of... busy.... Why don't you and Misty hang out? Y'all never spend time together without me.

Cyle: Oh, Misty, sure. What are you doing that makes you so busy?

Me: Just hanging with Linky... :D

Cyle: Don't forget the condoms! Good luck!

Me: CYLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cyle: Love you :D

I look up at Link. He on the sofa with me. My face is red with embarrassment. Cyle doesn't have a filter. Oh Gosh! What if Link saw that!

"Hey... ummmm... Did you see that?" he shakes his head and kisses the top of my head. 

"Raychel." He get's off the sofa and reaches his hand out. I grab a hold of it and he locks our fingers together. I walk behind him as he gides me to his front door. He opens it and grabs a coat off the hanger. It's his sweat shirt. We unlock fingers and I put on the sweat shirt. It smells like his cologne. We lock fingers and share a glance and walk out the door. We start to go in the backyard.

 I see he has a tree house. The first thing I think of is High School Musical. Gosh childhood was so simple. He lets go of my hand and smiles to the ladder.

"Afraid of heights?" He lets out a laugh.

"Terrified." I start to climb the ladder. I try not to look down. I get to the base of the tree house. It could be a house almost. It's huge! This was something I would have loved as a child. I look around as Link gets to the top of the ladder and grabs me bridal style. He swings me back and forth like he's going to toss me out of the tree house.


"You wouldn't"

"RAPE! RAPE!" he puts his hand on my mouth as I look down. I've never been this high before. He swings me a few more times before he places me back on the ground.

"You liked it. Admit it." He has a smart ass smile on his face.

"Link! I could have died!"

"But you didn't did you?" He smiles and pulls me in close. His hands on my hips and I place mine on his neck.

"Sure." My voice is weak.

"Raychel. You're perfect." His breath becomes thick. I get on my tip toes to get to his level. Sadly, I'm not tall enough. He response to my action and bends his neck so that our fore heads are touching and were at eye level. "I want to kiss you." I start to play with his hair and brush it with my fingers.

"Then why don't  we?" He pulls me in close to where our chest are touching  and the tip of our toes are too. He isn't even a inch away from me.

"I love you" His lips touch mine. When they say you feel sparks. They're right. Your stomach feels like it's going to melt with the excitement and you can help but smile. I smile in between the kiss. We part lips and share a smile. We kiss a few more  times and I look over his shoulder to the next door neighbors yard. Which is Misty's. I see two figures and then blink. It was Cyle and Misty.

I see Cyle hug Misty. She smiles. She's wearing his shirt.

"Raychel, what are you-"


He pulls her in close and smiles. She wraps her arms around his. I stare for a while and then they kiss. They kiss more passionately. I look away after he picks her up. They weren't doing this just for fun. They were doing it because they were together. How long has this been going on? Cyle promised me no relationship with Misty and look. I want to cry at how my friends could betray me like that. I look at Link.

"Come here" He holds me tight as I cry. Are they over me?


Next chapter is a Cyle P.O.V.

Raychel be getting her sexy on... oo-la-la.... ^.^

How's your day going? Good? Good? HeeHee :)


 ----------------------------------------------------> Jake

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