Chapter 10

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Kyra: HOLY SHAYNAYNAY!!!! This chapter was like.... AMAZING... my personal favorite so far. Enjoy... Moneygrabber(:


Cyle's P.O.V.

Raychel is okay with me hanging with Misty? Wow. That's a first. I give Misty a call.

"Hey Cyle"

"Hey babe. Raychel is busy with Link and suggested to hang with you. Hope that isn't a problem?"

"Hah. I'm sorry it's a huge problem!" She says sarcastically. "Hah. Just come on over."

"Kay babe. See you then."

Beep. I get my car keys and jump into the car. At least if Raychel ask where I am I won't have to lie. The traffic is bad. It's only 5, but still awful. I text Misty saying I'll be a little late. Misty is kind of like a old teddy bear. She makes you feel safe. She's sweet. She makes you happy when you're sad. She's everything. Yet, the person that's everything to me. I have to hide. I never understand love. Maybe I need to just come out and tell Raychel. I'll talk to Misty about it later.

I arrive at Misty's a few minutes later because of traffic. I arrive at her door and see Link's house. Link is a friend of mine. He's nice and all, but Raychel will find a way to screw him up. Make him lovey and all.

I knock on Misty's door. She answers and grabs me by the arm and pulls me in. 

"Misty, what's hap-"

"Shhhhhh..." She falls to the ground bring me with her. She locks the door. She drags herself to sit in front of me."Raychel is in Link's backyard. We need to tell Raychel." She raises her voice on the word "need".

"How are we going to do that? It isn't like we can scare it to her." Misty gives me a smiles. She has a plan.


"Hand me one of you shirts." I give her one. She goes to her bathroom and changes into it.

"I see what you're doing. So, what do we do next?" Her smile becomes bigger. She grabs my hand and opens the door to the backyard. She keeps herself close to me. I see in the corner of my eye Raychel looking over at us. Of course Link is behind her holding her. She got to him!

Misty stops walking and turns to me. She whispers in my ear.

"Ready" I put my hands on her wrist and she responds with putting her hands on my neck. I pull her close to me. Our foreheads touch. She smiles. She leans in and kisses me. We kiss me passionately. I lift her up and we go to the picnic table. I sit her on it. Our lips don't separate. She draws back and smiles. I smile back and laugh. She starts to laugh and leans her head back. Her laugh is sweet. It's high pitched, but cute. She kisses me and smiles in between. We part lips and it let go of her wrist and unwrap her hands from my neck. I link our fingers together.

"You think she got the message?" She giggles. I look out of the corner of my eye and see Raychel is wrapped in Link's arms and walking inside the house. Did we hurt her? "Raychel's cry."

"What? Where is she?" Misty fanatically looks around.

"Inside. Should we go and act like were telling her were together?" Misty let's go of my hand. She wraps her arms around my neck again and kisses my forehead.

"Yes, it's the best." I smile and give her a kiss. It lift her off the table and we go back inside. She walks to her bathroom to change back into her clothes. I've been to Misty's house several times before. I walk to her kitchen and grab a glass of water. I hear the door open and Misty's back in her regular clothes.

"Should we do it? I think if we let her confront us then she'll be more understanding. I mean, we aren't even a couple as far as I know. We can tell her we don't know if we were serious or not. I'm just scared if we confront her she'll feel like we wanted her to find out it herself. What do we do?" She is worried. Her and Raychel have been friends longer then I've known them.

"Let's just wait for her to confront us. Now I have some business." She has a confused look on her face. I grab her and she wraps her legs around me. I put her on the kitchen counter.

"I Cyle, Would like to be your handsome, awesome, amazing, super smart boyfriend. Misty Crow, Will you go out with me?" She giggles and I stand there with a smile from ear to ear.

"Yes. Hah." She wraps her arms around me and kisses me. Just on cue as usual Misty's phone and mine's goes off.

Raychel: Misty and Cyle. Come to Link's house. We need to talk!

Misty: I'll be there in a bit. You okay?

Me: I'll be there soon. Yeah what Misty said.

Raychel: Don't play dumb! Come over now! 5 minutes. Tik Tik. Time is passing!

Misty: OK!

Me: k

"Well, I guess we better go over." She smiles and kisses me before getting her stuff. Raychel is going to kill us. Mainly me. Great!


Kyra: I love doing Cyle's P.O.V.! More in the future! I love this song! It summarizes Cyle... Hehehe -------------------------------> JKJK I just love the song!

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