Chapter 5

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I wake up. The TV is playing some morning show. I left my head up and I see it's still dark outside. I'm on the sofa. The ceiling seems taller than I remember from yesterday. I look around the room and see Link's bedroom door is open. I get up and I walk towards the door. I go as quiet as possible. I don't want him to wake up. Each step keeps getting louder. I finally get to the door way. He has his whole body under the sheets. I never saw his room yesterday or early this morning. I can't keep track of time anymore. The room walls are a light gray that feels cozy. I slowly walk towards his bed to walk him up. I start to lift the sheet. I tap Link's shoulder. He turns over. It's not him. The guy from my dreams is there. I start to run out of the room and trip on something random.

I jult up. I'm back on the sofa. Maybe that was just a dream. I walk into Link's room without even trying to be quiet. I tap his shoulder just like before. This time he turns over and it's him. I let out a breathe.

"Raychel... What... Do... Yeh want?" He's barley awake. It's kind of funny how he looks trying to wake up.

"Hah. Geez Link. Wake up. There's so much to do today. Now get your lazy butt up." He just sighs and turns over. I jump on the bed and roll him over. I let out lots of laughs and so does he. He keeps rolling back over. I finally get tired of it and just roll him off the bed. He and I let out a few laughs and I eventually help him get to his feet.

"I'm awake now. Hah. You need to be my personal alarm clock, but maybe a little less aggrieve." I let out a laugh and head to the kitchen. When I walk out of the room I remember the dream this morning, but for the first time I pushed it in the back of my head. I open the refrigerator. He has tons of eggs. I guess we'll be having eggs.

"I guess your cooking for me. As some would say. Baby?" We let out a giggle. If Chris was here he would kill him. Even a week ago I would have killed him for calling me something... so romantic, but we've learn to laugh at that. I finish the eggs and Link and I eat them while watching old childhood shows. Like Teen Titans, Power Puff girls, and Tom and Jerry. I grab my phone and see 12 missed calls. 6 from Misty, 3 from Chris, and 3 from Cyle. At least I know they care about my well being.

Link has to go to work so I decide to drive home. I give Misty a call and I invite myself over. I get to Misty's and I tell her all about what happened. She oooh's and ahhh's. She's in a wheelchair from the shooting. She explains what happened.

"So like Jess got out his gun and like, shot you. You fell to the ground and fainted, but like, I thought you died. So I was panicking like majorly. So Alice gets in the room and well he shot her. So I thought I just watched two people died, but like, but didn't. Then he shot me as Cyle came in. Then, I remember the alarm going, like, off. The rest was kind of a haze, but I'm okay now so no worries." Misty's bullet must have injected her with stupid. She can't even speak. 


Sorry Chapter kind of short. Had writers block all week and had some stuff happen that made me want to no even go on the Internet! :0 IKR crazy! Well this week I was randomly  thinking about what would I get a tattoo of if I go one. I think I will of the lyrics of Carry On by Fun. The line is "I like to think I can cheat it all. To make up for the times I've been cheated on" DAT  LYRICS! PERFECT! Well I will hopefully be in a better mood later this month of March. Please leave a comment of what I should do. If I use your idea I will make a character of you. ^.^ Deal?

--------------------------------------------------------------------------> Alice

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