Ch. 39

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(Y/n's POV)

"We may have been close but that doesn't mean I'm close to his family I only knew Tommy because he mentioned him every now and then he never really mentioned anyone else and it's not like I was going to ask, I am friends with Wilbur for Wilbur I'm not friends with him for Tommy or Philza." I counter


"Why are you still trying to defend yourself? You've been caught lying just give up already" Dream says in annoyance

"I haven't been caught lying due to the fact that I'm not lying honestly. What will it take for you to finally believe me?!" I rebut

"Nothing can make me believe you however..."Dream begins

"Howeverrr?" I urged him to continue in which he does,

"There's someone I know who doesn't know how to keep his damn mouth shut... who coincidentally is a close ally of Wilbur's..."

Who the fu- oh waittttt...

I voice my thoughts, "It's Tommy isn't it? No offense to the guy he seems cool but he also seems like the type to not know how to keep secrets"

"Wow just dissing Tommy like that, see if you acted like a bitch towards everyone equally at least I'd be able to tolerate you a bit more but you are just such a two faced bitch it's insufferable" Dream laughs.

"I'm a bitch to those who deserve it like you" I deadplant, that response however gets an overdramatic gasp and him saying, 

"Now what have I ever done to deserve such harsh treatment"

"You literally kidnapped me" I explain

"Technically that wasn't me it was Sapnap but anyway so are you going to tell me the truth or?" Dream questions

"Oh my god! I have BEEN telling you the truth at this point it's just getting annoying" I yell in anger

"Then just give me what I want." Dream states. I sigh in pure annoyance before going on to argue back,

"Once again, what do you want to hear? Wasn't the whole Philza's secret love child enough?"

"Has anyone ever told you your extremely talented" Dream says completely out of pocket



(Dreams POV)

"I mean it. You have a lot of talent for someone so young it's truly impressive" I compliment before continuing on by saying, "but you don't realize that the one you see as an enemy could be your greatest ally, we have a lot in common that you don't realize. Or maybe you do but you're choosing to ignore it"

"Wait, hold on, go back a think I'm talented?..." The younger female stutters.


I see the surprised look on her face as I take it as a sign to continue, "I mean of course it's obvious you are quite the skilled one.But once again you want information correct?"

"Hold on one more time you.." She says flabbergasted.

Checkmate Wilbur

"Hm? What?" I question playing dumb.

I swear this girl is easier to read than a book

"Why are you being nice... or at least just complimenting me" (Y/n) questions

"Because even though we may not get along, you have my respect. Does that mean I necessarily agree with your decisions? No but you've shown and proven that you are strong and worthy of so much" I explain. I look over to see the girl yet again completely speechless.

(Y/n's POV)


"Yeah... well... you may say that about me but I can't say the same for you"

"I just don't understand why you're lying. I mean ok I might be scary but there's no need to lie. What harm would letting the truth out do?" Dream admits.

"Is information about Wilbur really this important because once again there is a cupcake waiting for me" I whinged

"That damn fucking cupcake- well the deal was you tell me the truth and I tell you the information" Dream explains


"I really don't know what you want from me. I've told you the truth over and over and over again seriously. What can I do to prove that I'm telling the truth because at this point this is getting repetitive and just ridiculous" I deflect.

"Ok fine then I have another question where did you come from?" Dream asks

"What do you mean?" I question.

"Exactly what I said where did you come from" Dream repeats

"Utah" I answer

"What the fuck... I was not expecting that... ok fine well for the Wilbur situation let's just say since you've gotten here he's been quite violent" Dream replies

"That cannot be the only thing aren't you his like enemy of course he's going to be violent towards you" I counter

"But see that's not the thing he's violent when it comes to you, you know how we had our little fight and Wilbur was yelling the entire time, well I've gotten into a couple fights with Tommy, his brother who is younger than you and yet he never seems to care as much. Why do you think that is?" Dream asks

"He probably knows Tommy is stro-" I was saying before being cut off by Dream,

"Bullshit you are way stronger than Tommy in every way, shape, and form"

"No offense but how would I know I'm not Wilbur to know what he's thinking or his reasoning for certain things. Honestly if you want anything you should go to Wilbur because really with what Wilbur told me you shouldn't be harassing minors anymore. Like I get it you're a villain and everything but this is just gross" I say trying to just change the subject and leave

"Oh not this again! Listen I can see how much you care for the people around you, you may be one of the only people close to Wilbur who isn't corrupted, however your naivety is just as painful to witness you truly wish to see the best in certain people don't you? The only thing WIlbur cares for is his own gain, nothing more and nothing less. It truly is a waste of your talent to fight for what your corrupted little friend portrays is right." Dream explains as I'm almost at a complete loss of words...

"Oh because you know Wilbur oh so well" I sass back.

"Have you ever questioned what Wilburs has been telling you?" Dream questions.

"Why would I?" I point out.

"Because what Wilbur does is he uses people like you, draining your talent to make you a mindless slave for his own lawless politics. You could be so... so much more." Dream avowed

I... what the actual fuck...

(Word Count 1150)

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