Ch. 28

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(I decided to be nice and give y'all another chapter)

(Y/n's POV)

I woke up in the same room as before...

What happene- MY ARROW! HOW THE HELL DID THAT BASTARD GET A HOLD OF MY STUFF!? I NEED IT ALL BACK IMMEDIATELY! But how... wait hold up when did Bad show up to the scene? Was he undercover or some shit?

I try to sit up only for my head to be throbbing in pure agonizing pain... Skeppy then comes into the room to ask,

"Oh your awake how ya feeling like shit I'm guessing huh?"

I nod my head since I could tell from the dryness of my throat that if I try to say anything imma be in even more pain which is something I don't need more of currently. Like that's actually the last thing I want thank you very much...

"Cover your ears," Skeepy says as I do what he...suggested? Eh i don't know I'm wayyy too fucking tired for this.... "BAD SHE'S AWAKE!"

I'm assuming that Skeppy just screamed but it was mainly muffled out. Once he then motioned for me to uncover my ears I immediately heard footsteps coming closer and closer.

"Skeppy you muffinhead don't yell! She just woke up!" Bad whispers in an angry tone. He then looks over at me and I see as his features soften as he comes up to me and asks,"Hi sweetie, how are you feeling? Do you need anything at all here drink some water" and with that I was handed a water bottle as Skeppy tried to help me sit up.

"I really want to know what kind of poison Dream used I mean it did this much damage just with one arrow" Skeppy thinks out loud as I drink the water bottle.

I forgot how tasteless water is... can I just have a juice box or something?

"Hey Muffin if you don't mind me asking Dream was saying you're the one that made the poison as well as the antidote is that at all the truth?" Bad questions.

"Huh oh yeah I was kinda messing around with chemicals one day not really looking at the instructions or as I call them suggestions and I made the poison and then once I realized what I created I thought 'oh hey wouldn't having an antidote be smart yknow because safety and all the jazz' so once again played around some more with the chemicals or as I call it 'seeing what color certain colored chemicals make' and after quite a while I ended up figuring out both." I explain.

"HOLD UP! You made a DEADLY potion just for shits and giggles?!" Skeppy baffled.

"Language" Bad says while elbowing Skeppy

"I was curious about what color a purple and yellow colored potion would make and then I just added some red, pink, blue and so on so forth yknow I'm actually upset that Dream got to use it before me like I've literally been perfecting that dumb little potion for like over a month and like that's the longest I've ever taken on just potion making alone and that's without getting all the materials needed" I try to justify.

"Bad, i say this with all the love in my're great but what is it with you and adopting the crazy ones" Skeppy asks.

"Im right here you know" I point out however Skeppy could care less as he basically doesn't even give me a second glance


"I don't think of them as crazy I think of it as interesting and fun!" Bad beams.

Honestly if I wasn't crazy I'd be boring and I much rather be crazy and weird than normal and boring any. Dayyyy.

"Say whatever makes you feel better..." Skeppy says giving up.

"Well I bet you're hungry huh? I know something too crazy could make you puke so I made some muffins I made banana nut, chocolate chip, strawberry, blueberry, Apple cinnamon, lemon, and pumpkin but if you want something different I could go and make it" Bad comments.

"Oh um (whatever muffin you want) is ok thank you is it ok if I get a juice box too?" I question.

"For now I think it would be best to just try to drink some more water I don't want you throwing up" Bad answers as he then leaves the room. Once Bad was out of sight Skeppy then goes on to ask,

"So is that really how you made the potions?"

"Yeah" I state blankly

I'm a lot of things BUT FOR THIS MAN TO ASSUME I'M SOME TYPE OF LIAR- well I kinda lied when I told everyone Wilbur is just an old friend- or the whole innocent act is all kinda a lie... NO WAIT I'M SUPPOSED TO ONLY BE ON MY SIDE! STOP IT BRAIN!

"Sorry but everything about you just seems... odd..." Skeppy points out.


"You are literally made out of diamonds and somehow I'm weird?" I question.

"You have quite the attitude once Bad leaves huh?" Skeppy notes.

"Well yknow never really tested that potion out on a living being so now I'm realizing how much pain I am trielt in which is anything but fun for me so I'm so sorry that your nagging is making me a little peaved" I countered back.

"Wait you never tested it out then how do you know what it does?" Skeppy asks.

"Well first of all poison has this weird kind of smell why do you think when someone poisons another's drink they use a strong smelling spice like cinnamon to mask the smell and sometimes even the taste. And second with all the stuff I added, I knew it would be anything but healthy" I reasoned

"How do you know all of this?" Skeppy questions

Damn he has a lot of questions but I get it

"I've been playing around with chemicals for a while I mean some potions are so easy to make so one day I got a book and decided 'hey this could be a good little fun thing to pass some time' and of course I just kept practicing over the years." I concluded

(Word count 1060)

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