Ch. 15

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(Y/n's POV)

What the hell is even happening...

"Woah careful there don't need you hurting yourself" Dream mocks me. I move the sword closer to his neck. "Kill me and I'll kill Wilbur" Dream threatens. "With what? Oh does your mask turn into a sword?" I deflected. Dream then pulls out a potion from his jacket. WHERE THE HELL!?

"If you can't tell this is a potion of harming. Who says I need a sword to fight?" Dream points out. I should've stabbed his ugly face with the fork. I mean I haven't even seen his full face but I can tell he's ugly!

"YOU ASSHOLE I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!" Wilbur yells. "GUYS BE CAREFUL HE HAS A POTION OF HARMING!" I inform the two boys. "I DON'T GIVE A SHIT WHAT HE HAS IF HE DOESN'T GET HIS FILTHY HANDS OFF YOU I LITERALLY WILL BEAT HIS SORRY ASS!" Wilbur fumes. "Why do British people say ass like that?" Dream questions while laughing. "Isn't your boyfriend British?" I ask. "BOYFRIEND!?" Everyone asks in unison well all except one person... "Yeah isn't Dream and George dating?" I question. "AHAHAHHAA" Sapnap, Phil, and Wilbur laugh. "NO WHO TOLD YOU THAT!?" Dream asks. "I BET IT WAS SAPNAP!" George accuses. "BRO WHAT DID I DO!?" Sapnap yells. "YOU ALWAYS SAY I'M DREAMS FAVORITE- THE OTHER DAY YOU SAID ME AND DREAM ACT LIKE AN OLD MARRIED COUPLE" George counters. "THAT WAS A JOKE DO YOU NOT KNOW HOW TO TAKE A JOKE!?" Sapnap objects. These are grown men fighting over something so stupid...

While the two were fighting I took it as a chance to get away. So I quickly grabbed the potion from Dreams hand, kicked his ankle and ran over to Wilbur. "WHAT THE HELL!?" Dream yells. "I was getting bored of you children yelling" I tease while carefully handing the potion to my brother. "Ok that's fucking it... SAPNAP GEORGE NOW!!" Dream commands. George and Sapnap quickly stop their bickering and before I can process whats happening Dream throws a smoke bomb on the floor causing everyone to be blinded by smoke. "WILBUR, PHILZA CAN YOU HEAR ME!?" I yell. "CRYSTAL" Philza responds. "YEAH ARE YOU OK!?" Wilbur asks in a worried tone. "YES I'M FINE WHAT ABOUT YOU BOTH?" I question. "I'M OK I'M COMING OVER TO YOU" Wilbur exclaims. "PHILZA ARE YOU OK AS WELL?" I ask. "YES BE CAREFUL BOTH OF YOU!" Phliza enunciated. I then feel a hand grab my arm. THIS ISN'T WILBUR!

I grab that persons hands with my free hand. "WILBUR!" I yell. "(Y/N) IM COMING!!" He answers. I knew it wasn't Wilbur...

I swing my sword but I'm guessing the person dodged. "GUYS DON'T COME NEAR ME THEIR TRYING TO GRAB ME!" I explain. "WAIT WHAT HOLD ON IM COMING!" Wilbur says ignoring that I literally told him to NOT come to me. "NO STAY WHERE YOU AR-" I was saying before being RUDELY CUT OFF BY PUTTING THEIR NASTY HAND OVER MY MOUTH! Wait does this idiot forget I have a sword?...

I bring my sword over to the persons arm about to slice it off before another persons hands grabbed my arms. NO NO NO NO NO ITS THE CHAINS ALL OVER AGAIN!!!

"MMMMHMMMMM!!" I try to yell out. "HEY WHERE ARE YOU!?" Wilbur asks out. "HMMM!" I attempt to shout. I quickly bend over throwing the person behind me holding my mouth. "WIL!" I scream. I didn't even realize the tears running down my face. The smoke begins to clear up and I begin to see Wilbur. I immediately run over to him engulfing him in a tight hug. "Woah what's wrong?..." Wilbur asks. "Nothing..." I say not showing my face. "Holy fuck my back..." Sapnap complains. Wait... where the hell did my sword go!?

"Ok I'm fucking done..." I hear Dream say to himself. "Hey little (Y/n)" Dream mocks while taking a step forward. "Get away Dream" Philza orders. "I just want to ask a little question geez..." Dream fake sniffed. He's up to something...

"No" I dead plant. "Ow rude" Dream says putting a hand to his chest. "You hurt me" Is this bitch?...

"Cry about it" I state. "Wow how rude. All I wanted to say was remember your little bag?" Dream brings up. Oh fuck...

"I remember you having some weird thing about it well lets make a deal" Dream claims. "What kind?" I question. "YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS!" Wilbur exclaims. I don't answer him looking at Dream for an answer. "Fight me" Dream states blankly. "What?" I ask. "You heard me fight me" Dream says. "Like to the death, just until the other surrenders, are we fist fighting, using weapons, like can you explain?" I coaxed. "We'll do a fist fight until the other surrenders" Dream answers. "Ok then" I say and immediately after I swing aiming for his stupid mask. "HEY I DIDNT SAY START!" Dream complains dodging. "Too bad!" I say.

(Word count 835)

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