Ch. 10

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(Y/N's POV)

"Ok can you hand me the celery?" Bad asks. "Do you want me to cut it as well?" I question. "Sure but please be careful not to cut yourself" Bad explains. "I won't..." I reassure.

After I finish cutting the celery as well as some carrots, I give them to Bad. Now that I know where the knifes are once Bad leaves I can get Dream... Ok I probably won't kill him but if he tries killing me then I won't hold back...

-30 minutes later-

(Bad's POV)

I look over at Skeppy to see (Y/n) asleep on the table... did she not sleep too... poor girl... I really don't want to just leave her with Dream but I don't know what to do...

Then my thoughts get interrupted by the kitchen door being slammed open by no one other than Dream... This causing the (h/c) girl to wake up.

"Ok Bad you and Skeppy need to leave now..." Dream explains. "What why?" Skeppy questions. "Someone's coming and I need to speak with them about... important matters" Dream verifies. "Yeah, no. I'll leave once I make sure (Y/n) eats" I object walking over to (Y/n), bending down to her level. (C! Bad is like 9'5 or 9' something so keep that in mind) "Hey your soup is ready, do you want to eat right now? It's ok if you don't but it's better to have something in your system it doesn't matter what or how much it is as long as its something" I explain to the (e/c) female.

Before I realize (Y/n) pulls me into a tight embrace. "Thank you..." I hear her say. "Hey you don't need to thank me..." I tell her while patting her head. I barely know this little girl and yet I can already tell she's been through a lot...

"Ok that's enough hurry up and eat so Bad and Skeppy can leave already" Dream orders. "Do you want to eat now?" I ask. She hesitates but nods. "How much?" I question. She shrugs. "I'll fill it up to  more than half the bowl if you can't finish it that's perfectly fine and if you want anymore the pot is still basically full so help yourself." I explain as a grab a bowl and start putting pouring the soup. "Bad don't you think you're babying her a little too much?" Skeppy questions. "Oh Skeppy... when you have kids you'll understand." Bad answers while patting Skeppys head.

(Word count 424)

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