Ch. 2

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(???'s POV)

"Dude what the hell is that!?" I hear George ask me. "What does it look like? I brought a girl, she's hot isn't she" I question smirking. "Dream is not going to be happy" George complains. "Oh well I think Dream will be very happy" I argue. "I be happy with what?" And as if on cue Dream comes in.

"So want to explain why Sapnap is carrying a girl?" Well fuck... "Well if you must know Dream this little girl may know our good friend Wilbur" I explain. "And you know this how?" Dream asks. "Well I heard her say his name!" I state with confidence. "Idiot there could be 10000000 other Wilburs that she was talking about!" George yells at me. "Well theres 10000000 other colors but you can only see like 5!" I yell back. "TRY HAVING A NEW COMEBACK THAT DOESN'T DEAL WITH THE FACT THAT I'M COLORBLIND!" George snaps back. "WELL THEN SEE COLORS!" I continue to rant. "BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!" Dream yells silencing both me and George.

"Sapnap go take the girl to the room on the left tower, 3rd story" Dream orders. "Fine..." I say taking the girl to the room. I bet Dream just yelled at me just so he can have George alone.

-30 minutes later-

(Y/n's POV)

I open my eyes only to close them shut immediately after. I take my arm and throw it over my eyes to shield them from the light. Wait... I immediately get up and look around. Where am I...

"Ooo so you're a looker huh?" I hear a some what familiar voice ask. I quickly look over to the owner of said voice to see a man with black hair, black hair, tan skin, a bandanna, a white flame shirt, a black shirt underneath, as well as black pants and shoes. Oh hell no... I jump out of the bed and I take a quick swing at the black haired male. He barely manages to dodge. I just continue to swing punches left and right as he barely manages to dodge. After a few more tries I finally get a punch in on him. In the face to be exact. "Damn" I hear him say under his breath. But I don't stop my punches I continue to try to hit him landing another good punch in his stomach. Ok if the last one didn't hurt then that was surely did! One more and I should be good! I pretend to throw a punch to his face but while he's busy dodging that I kick directly where the sun don't shine. YES!!! And with that the man falls to the floor holding his crotch as I begin running to the door.

I quickly open the door and begin to run as fast as I can. I have no clue where I'm running but I'll find some way out of here! Right after I finish running down the stairs I feel a hand on my ankle and it pulls me backwards making me fall. Damn that hurt... "Where did you come from?..." I hear a new voice ask me. I REFUSE TO GIVE UP! I see the other persons legs and I quickly kick their kneecaps. Once I do that I get up and try to run again. Only be stopped by a tall man in green with a white smiling mask.

"Well well well... great job... truly! You took down 2 men with much more experience I bet you do. And managed to make it this far! But sadly for you I can't allow you to go any further" The masked man explains. Well fuck me...

(Word count 619)

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