Ch. 7

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(Y/n's POV)

I wake up only to find myself in the SAME FUCKING ROOM I STARTED IN!! But this time I realize something different...

WHY THE HELL IS MY ARM CHAINED!?! My arm was now chained to the wall. I pull on the chain trying to be free when I hear someone come into the room. "Heyyy Y/n what's up?" Dream babbles. "Why the hell am I chained up also why are you limping?" I question pointing to his leg. "I swear... Remember your crossbow?" Dream hints. "Yeah what about it?" I ask. "Well when Sapnap knocked you out, you dropped your crossbow and it fired right in my leg" Dream explains. "Haha imagine being hurt by an unconscious person couldn't be me" I joke. It seems like Dream didn't get the joke because he pulls you his sword, putting it close to my neck.

He's not going to kill me I know that for a fact. "Soooo why am I chained?" I puzzle. "You know I can't understand you... I literally have a sword to your throat and you aren't even the littlest bit scared" Dream claims. "It's because I know you won't kill me" I state blankly. "What makes you think I won't?" Dream says in a threatening tone. "Because what are you going to tell my dad if you do end up killing me?" I explain. "You really played Bad into your stupid hands" Dream chuckles. "Actually I didn't need to do much I was just acting like the angel I am." I say innocently. "HAH now that's funny! YOU an angel!?!" Dream laughs. "Anyway so answer my question" I sassed.

I'm not an idiot... most of the time... I can tell he's trying to distract me! "What was your question I don't remember" Dream teases. "WHY THE HELL AM I CHAINED TO THE WALL!?!" I yell as my patients runs low. "Woah no need to yell but anyway, you're chained because you cause to much damage when you aren't chained." Dream explains. "Aww what's wrong can't deal with a little challenge?" I tease. "I've never met anyone so annoying in my life... well... wait scratch that Tommy is a real pain the ass" Dream cursed. "Tommy?" I ask. "Don't worry about it you'll meet him sooner or later. Anyway so Bad came over while you were... asleep... and brought you food saying how 'we can't be trusted'" Dream says leaving my room and coming back with a tray of muffins. "You do realize that I know even if Bad did make those doesn't mean you couldn't have drugged them" I address. "Why are you so difficultttt!" Dream complains. "I'm a girl that's my job, to annoy men" I imply. "Well you're doing a great job!" Dream compliments. "Awww thanks!" I thank. "Anyway here take which ever one you want there's literally like 10 different kinds of muffins" Dream says bringing the tray closer to me. I swear this man NEVER listens to me!

"Did you not hear what I said earlier?" I question. "No I heard you but 1st that would take way to much time to drug each of these muffins, 2nd I don't feel like dealing with Bad AGAIN and 3rd I didn't even think of drugging them before you said anything" Dream explains.

Sir I got trust issues... But wait... why would he drug me he still needs information from me... Plus if he does end up drugging me then I can just tell Bad... but I don't wanna be a snitch... but then I can see Wilbur sooner... But snitches get stitches... But these guys can't even scratch me... AHHHHHHH YOU KNOW WHAT FUCK IT IM NOT EATING!! I blow a raspberry at Dream and yank my chained hand trying to get it free. "Hey stop that!" Dream commands. I don't listen and continue to yank on the chains. Dream then grabs my chained hand and pins it to the bed frame. "CAN YOU JUST LISTEN TO ME!?" Dream explodes out of anger. Well fuck...

"NOW EAT!" Dream fumed. I kick Dream in the stomach getting trying to get him away from me. "That's it... GEORGE PLAN B!!!" Dream yells. George then comes in the room with more chains. What the hell...

Before I realize George and Dream were trying to chain my legs. I begin the kick and us my free hand, trying to make sure they don't get my legs. "SAPNAP WE NEED SOME HELP IN HERE!!" Dream orders. "LEAVE ME ALONE!!" I scream while continuing to kick. Just then Sapnap comes into the room helping Dream and George's attempts to get me. I begin to scream trying to distract them to delay them in anyway.

-An hour later-

No... how... I question to myself in shock as the trio managed to chain both my legs as well as my other arm. How did it come to this... All I wanted was to see Wilbur again... How the actual FUCK did it lead to this...

(Word count 840)

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