Chapter 10

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Sam got up to go talk to Aisha after she lost a match, leaving a kid named Xander to become the last semifinalist. Ella decided to stay, she knew that this conversation was between Aisha and her sister and she didn't want to intrude on that.

Once all the contestants were announced Xander took the microphone from the announcer and Ella felt herself groan softly, knowing where he was going with this and she didn't like it.

"I just wanted to say that even though I love to fight, we all need to fight together against hatred...," Xander began and Ella just watched the scene unfold, not really listening to what he was saying. She had heard speeches like this many times before and she understood the point of it, she really did. But what was the point of those speeches if the person doing said speech has done little to nothing to help stop the hate they are preaching about wanting to stop?

"And as I look around this arena, I pray for every race, religion, and gender that we can all live together in peace," Xander continued, "Please join me in a moment of silence as we strive to end intolerance in our lifetime."

A wave of silence fell over the auditorium for a few moments before the announcer took the microphone. "All right! First up, Stone versus Diaz!"

The match between Miguel and Xander quickly began, the two were both throwing punches and kicks, trying to hit each other. Miguel was the first one to gain a point. Everyone in the audience stood up and cheered. Miguel just needed one more hit and he was going to the finals, and he ended up getting it after a few more minutes of fighting.

Cobra Kai was going to the finals.

Next, it was Hawk versus Robby.

Hawk and Robby stood on the mat as Ella cheered for Robby, her smile never leaving her face as she clapped. The two boys got into their fighting positions and the ref gave them the signal to start their fight. Hawk was the first one to earn a point after he slammed Robby onto the mat, hitting him in the chest. Ella winced, knowing how much that was going to hurt. Ella could tell something was wrong on Robby's end, he wasn't focused. Daniel stood up.

"Remember what you learned, Robby!," Daniel shouted and Robby looked at him, nodding before Daniel sat back down.

Ella held her breath as the second part of the match began. Once the second bit started Ella could tell Robby's head was back in the game, she continued cheering and clapping for her friend. Robby kicked Hawk in the face and he fell to the ground, meaning Robby had just earned himself a point. Ella clapped once more, she could feel herself beginning to lose her voice from how much she'd been cheering.

Robby must've said something that pissed off Hawk, because while Robby's back was turned, Hawk ran at him and kicked him pretty hard in the shoulder, causing Robby to fall to the ground. Ella jumped up, her face was worried as she stared at Robby. Hawk ended up getting disqualified from the match entirely because it was illegal contact.

"With that disqualification, Keene earns a trip to the finals. We'll see him back here after a short break," the announcer announced.


Ella ended up staying for the finals, she was open to going home with Amanda and her siblings but Amanda told her to stay here with Daniel. So the blonde now sat alone in the front row to watch the finals. Her heart raced as she watched with anticipation.

"This is it, folks. The moment we've all been waiting for," Daryl, the announcer said into the microphone. "The final match to determine who will be victor and champion. Will it be Miguel Diaz from Cobra Kai Karate? Will it be Robby Keene, unaffilia–" Before Daryl could finish one of the workers ran onstage and whispered something in his ear. "Danile LaRusso is going to coach!" Ella jumped up and smiled as she clapped, running to where her dad was, hugging him excitedly.

"Robby Keene will now be fighting for Miyagi-Do Karate with the former champion Daniel LaRusso as his sensei!," Daryl continued as Ella gave Robby a high five with a smile, telling him to break a leg. The theatre kid in her refused to say 'good luck' to people, she usually always said 'break a leg' instead.

Robby and Miguel walked onto the mat, bowing to the ref before facing each other and bowing. Ella crossed her fingers, praying that Robby would win.

"Come on, Robby!," Ella cheered.

Robby and Miguel got into the fighting positions, and soon the fight began. Robby skillfully blocked all of Miguel's attacks as Ella continued to cheer for him. Robby was the first person to score a point and Ella couldn't have been happier for him as she double high fived her dad. The second part of the final match began, Ella's heart thumped in both excitement and anxiety. She had no idea how this would end.

Miguel was the next person to score a point in that second round.

The second to last of the match began as both fighters got into their positions. Ella held her breath, watching closely. Miguel won again and Daniel called time, both him and Ella ran onto the mat, making sure Robby was okay to continue the match. Miguel had hit him in his bad shoulder more than once. Daniel reminded the boy once again to focus.

Once everything had been resolved both Daniel and Ella ran off the mat in order to leave space for the final match between the two opponents. The match began, Robby did a great job at avoiding and blocking Miguel's attacks, leading Miguel to be out of bounds within seconds.

When the match restarted Robby hit Miguel with a two legged kick, everyone cheered as Robby walked over to help Miguel back to his feet. Miguel yanked on Robby's injured arm, causing him to cry out in pain while the ref gave him a warning. Concern was written all over Ella's face as she watched Robby. Daniel called RObby over.

"I'm gonna tell him to end it," Daniel said and Robby looked at him as he held onto his shoulder.

"No. No, no, no. Let me finish," Robby pleaded.

"Robby, you're hurt and he's going to continue to take advantage of that –," Ella pressed, looking at him. Robby looked at Ella and then at Daniel, Daniel sighed.

"Ok, ok. Just be careful," the man said and Robby nodded.

Ella knew that whoever wins the point in this round will be the new All Valley champion. The girl watched as Robby and Miguel found their places on the mat and got into their fighting positions. The fight began, Robby was able to block a few of Miguel's attacks without getting hurt, Ella started to get her hopes up a tinge. Robby tried to kick Miguel but he easily caught it, hitting Robby in the shoulder once again and Ella covered her mouth as if she was going to be sick, she began to worry for Robby once more. Miguel kicked Robby in the chest and he fell backwards, falling onto the mat.

Cobra Kai had won the tournament.

Ella ran over and helped Robby up, walking with him to Daniel who told Robby that it was okay and that he tried his best. All the Cobra Kai students ran into the middle of the stage, hugging Miguel as they received their trophy. Daniel slowly led the two teenagers away from the stage and in the direction of the med-bay. Robby would most likely need to get his shoulder looked at. Again. Ella placed a hand on Robby's good shoulder in an attempt to comfort her disappointed friend, he gave her a small but grateful smile.

Little did anyone know that this would be the start of one hell of a few years...


Well, Book 1 has officially been completed!

I am so happy to have been able to start writing this series! I can't wait to write the second book 🙂

Have a great day/night!

Word Count: 1360 

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