Chapter 8

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Ella had noticed lately that Robby hadn't been coming over for karate training, she thought that maybe he was sick and needed some time off before he could continue to train. But she saw that every day at the exact same time Robby was supposed to come over, Chaos went to the front door and lay down on the steps there, waiting for him to show up.

She would smile at this and sometimes she would wait with him too if she didn't have any homework, she had tried to get into contact with Robby but he hadn't accepted her follow request or messages. Maybe his phone was broken?

Ella was currently in the backyard, sitting at the table as she worked on an essay on her laptop, Anthony sat opposite her, playing video games on his phone, the thing that irritated Ella was that he had decided to put his volume at full blast. She could hear everything happening in that game and it was getting annoying.

But she tried to ignore it, she wanted to get the assignment done before she had to go to the All Valley tournament later that day. And she knew that if she didn't get that essay done now she would end up doing it at the last minute because of her procrastination.

"Yipee," Ella said as she continued writing, that word happened to be her new favorite vocal stim. Anthony looked up with furrowed eyebrows, confused but he just sighed and got up, leaving his switch on the table.

Ella picked up the pen she happened to have with her and began to draw on her hand, making it look like she had one of those skeletal tattoos on your hand. She grinned proud of her work as Sam walked outside.

"Mom told me to tell you to get ready to watch the tournament," Sam said and Ella nodded, closing her laptop and walking inside to get ready.


This is a shorter chapter but whatever.

I feel so bad for Chaos bc the poor guy has no idea why Robby isn't coming anymore and I decided to make it even sadder by having him wait for him...

Word Count: 360

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