Chapter 6

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It was the late afternoon and Ella was trying to sneak a shelter dog into the house. But it wouldn't stop barking because of how excited he was to finally have a home, and everytime Ella tried to shush it, the dog would just bark in a high pitched tone as if he was mocking her.

"Chaos. Shush!"


Amanda walked into the kitchen to see what all the barking and commotion was about and she stopped in her tracks when she saw her daughter with the large dog. The mother sighed as she pinched the bridge of her nose, the dog, named Chaos, sat on his haunches and panted. Ella smiled innocently and waved at her mom.

"He looked so lonely!," Ella justified as she ruffled her dogs fur, Sam was the next person to walk in and see what was happening. Her face lit up when she saw the mutt and she rushed over, giving the dog pets and attention. Chaos wagged his tail furiously as the two girls giggled, playing with the big dog. Amanda also couldn't help but chuckle.

"Fine, we can keep him. But he is not allowed on the couch!"


A couple of hours later Grandma came over, the three children bolted to the door and opened it, engulfing their grandma into a hug and Chaos followed as he wagged his tail, happy to be meeting more people.

After the kids exchanged a few words with their grandma she noticed the dog and then looked at Ella, knowing that this was her doing and she laughed. Daniel had only seen Chaos a few minutes ago and needless to say he wasn't surprised it was Ella either.

Everyone sat outside, waiting for the meat on the BBQ to be done as Ella somewhat listened to her dad ranting about how Cobra Kai was let back into the All-Valley karate tournament. Chaos stood next to Daniel at the BBQ, hoping to get some freshly cooked meat.

"Dad, what if Cobra Kai has changed?," Sam asked suddenly, bringing Ella back to reality as she looked up from the empty plate she had been staring at for the past few minutes. "I mean, there's some kids from my school who are in it, and that doesn't automatically make them bad, right?"

"Please, Cobra Kai will never change," Daniel replied matter of factly, "Promise me you stay away from kids who are associated with it. All right? That goes for you too, Ella." Ella nodded, knowing she will do just the opposite of that. Miguel was her friend, he wasn't a jerk like Kyler is. She had recently found out about Eli's new haircut when she saw him at school the day before, he told her that he is Hawk now. Ella was cool with it, she thought the mohawk suited him.


"Hi, Miguel!," Ella said as she sat next to her sister, who happened to be facetime Miguel, who is now her boyfriend. Miguel smiled and greeted her back as Chaos jumped onto the couch and right on top of Ella, causing her to groan in pain because of how heavy Chaos was.

Ella was too busy playing with Chaos to hear what Miguel and Sam were talking about, but she turned around when she heard Daniel rushing towards the room. "Sam, Ella, I really need you two out here. Mom and grandma are about to kill each other." Ella sighed and got up, following her dad, Chaos stayed where he was, lying on the carpet with a sigh, sad that his playmate left him.


The next day Ella was sitting in her room drawing, Chaos must have heard something because he jumped out of his dig bed and ran out of Ella's room, down the stairs and outside into the backyard where Sam was sunbathing.

The large dog began to bark at Robby, wagging his tail. When Robby saw the large animal he backed up slightly, unsure if the dog was being friendly or aggressive.

"Chaos, sit!" Chaos sat down, no longer barking but he kept wagging his tail. Sam smiled a bit and walked over to Robby, both of them saying hi to each other.

"Sorry about Chaos, my sister brought him home yesterday and he loves everyone he meets, he just has a funny way of showing it," Sam explained with a laugh as she ruffled the dog's fur.

"It's okay, I was... I was just looking for Mr. LaRusso. He's been training me back here in the dojo," Robby explained as Ella walked outside to see what all the ruckus was about. She stopped and looked at Robby with a confused look but she smiled at him, quickly running over to where Sam stood.

"Oh, look at this," Daniel observed as he walked outside, all three of the teenagers turned to him. "My current students and my two former students. You know, if you wanna join us, Sam, Ella, you still have time."

"We're actually going to the mall with Mom and Grandma," Sam replied.

"We are?," Ella questioned.

"Yeah, remember we agreed to this last night?," Sam reminded, Ella thought for a moment before she remembered that she had in fact agreed to do so and she nodded.

"That's good, just text me if there's any bloodshed." Sam and Ella laughed as her and Sam told Robby to have fun with the tree, both of them recognized where Daniel would be taking Robby. Chaos got up and followed them, hoping to be included on their little adventure.


Ella walked into the kitchen for dinner, following Sam as Chaos followed close behind. Ella smiled at her dad and Robby before she began to help bring the dinner stuff to the table outside by the bonfire, Chaos began to chase the crickets and other night time bugs while everyone sat at the table, laughing and talking as they ate their food. Sam and Ella both laughed as they listened to their dad and Robby talk about their day of training in the woods.

Ella laughed even more when Chaos brought back a dead rat and dropped it at Robby's feet and wagged his tail, Robby jumped and his chair fell backwards, sending him tumbling down with it. Everyone laughed as Sam got up and helped Robby to his feet, both of them laughing along with everyone else.


Chaos my beloved <3

Hope you all have a great day/night 

Word count: 1052

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