Chapter 4

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Ella raced downstairs the next morning and sat at the table before she began to eat her breakfast. She was currently having a random burst of energy so she was a bit restless. She smiled at her parents, greeting them a good morning. Sam also sat down, taking her usual spot next to Ella as her and Daniel began to talk. Ella wasn't really paying much attention to what her sister and father were saying, zoning out until she heard Sam say, "I don't think Kyler's gonna be around anymore."

Ella turned to her sister with a surprised look but she couldn't hide the smile that slowly began to creep onto her face.

"You're kidding," Ella said, still slightly shocked by the news.

"Don't look too excited Dad, Ella," Sam chuckled and Ella and Daniel exchanged looks, both of them playing it off. Somewhat denying that they were incredibly happy Sam and Kyler weren't dating anymore. Sam just laughed at the two of them as she side hugged her sister.


That night the family went out for dinner at the country club, Ella was at the buffet getting some food with her mom and Sam. She could hear Sam and Amanda talking but didn't really pay any attention, she was more focused on being able to get as much potatoes on her plate as she could. Ella loved potatoes. She couldn't help but laugh when she overheard her brother, Anthony getting yelled at by Amanda because he was drinking the butter meant for the lobsters.

"You saw what happened in the library, huh?," Ella suddenly asked as she stood next to Sam, the older twin looked at her before exhaling heavily before nodding.

"Yeah, I'm really sorry. I should've known Kyler was an asshole." Ella looked at her sister and gave her a small but forgiving smile, she knew that Sam had been blinded by her love for Kyler, she knew it wasn't truly her fault.

"It's okay," Ella reassured, using salad tongs to place some saad on her plate, making sure to pick off any tomatoes so that there was only lettuce.

"Is your wrist okay?," Sam asked, gesturing to the small but faded bruise from where Kyler had grabbed Ella.

"It's fine, the bruise doesn't hurt. So I'll live," the blonde replied, shrugging her shoulders and Sam smiled at her, nodding before the two siblings went to sit down at their table.


The next day, Ella was getting lunch in the cafeteria with Miguel, Demetri and Eli as per-usual. But she stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Sam and Kyler standing in the middle of the cafeteria, all eyes were on the both of them as Sam glared at her ex-boyfriend.

"Hey, guys," Kyler announced, Ella felt herself tense up, not liking where this was going. "You know that billboard with a big-ass dick on it? I guess Sam takes after her dad." Kyler's friends laughed and Ella slammed her lunch tray on the nearest lunch table.

"Why I oughta –" Before Ella could finish or approach Kyler, Miguel threw his tray to the side and walked over to Kyler, glaring at him. Ella did the same thing, following her friend as she walked over to Sam, making sure she was okay before hugging her.

"Why don't you shut the hell up and stop being such an asshole?," Miguel snapped at Kyler.

"Want another beat down, Rhea?," Kyler threatened, shoving Miguel and Aisha stood up.

"I'm ready for your lame-ass karate this time." Kyler shoved Miguel again, harder this time and Miguel fell back onto a lunch table, both Ella and Sam backed up away from the fight that was about to escalate any second.

"It's not lame-ass karate." Kyler threw a punch at Miguel but he caught it, straining Kyler's arm. "It's Cobra Kai." Miguel punched Kyler, hitting him square in the nose before letting go of his arm. Everyone gasped in surprise as a couple of people took their phones out and began to film the fight.

Once Miguel had taken care of Kyler, Kyler's minions went after Miguel but he quickly managed to fight them easily. The fight continued until Miguel jumped up onto an empty lunch table and hit Kyler in the face with Ella's lunch tray. Everyone began cheering and clapping, Sam looked around in shock, meanwhile Ella couldn't stop smiling as she cheered for her friend. Soon a smile also crept onto Sam's face as she smiled at Miguel, who smiled back at her. Counselor Blatt stormed into the lunch room and scolded Miguel for standing on the table and for getting into a fight, taking his arm and dragging him in the direction of the office.


Later that evening Ella returned home from a theatre rehearsal, she smiled as she entered the kitchen to see her dad. The blonde set her stuff down before sitting next to him with a dinner plate and began to eat.

"How was rehearsal?," Daniel asked and Ella smiled, swallowing some of her food so that she could speak freely.

"It was good, it was more blocking today," Ella explained as she continued to eat, Daniel smiled and nodded at the answer.

"I'm glad you're enjoying that, it's good that you've found something you're passionate about." Ella smiled at what her dad said, nodding in agreement before she quickly finished up the rest of her dinner and went to take a shower before she went to bed.


Ella was outside in the backyard with Sam. Sam was sitting on one of the pool chairs with her laptop while Ella took pictures of birds for her photography class, smiling as she did a small happy dance when she managed to get a photo of a Red Tailed Hawk. She opened the photo as she grinned, happy she managed to get the photo.

"Sam! Sam, Sam, Sam, Sam, Sam!," Ella called as she practically charged over to her sister, the smile never leaving her face as her sister looked at her with a slightly confused smile.

"Check this out!" Ella showed Sam the photo of the Red Tailed Hawk with a smile, Sam also smiled, taking the camera out of her sister's hands to get a better look at the picture.

"Ella, that's gorgeous, is this for your photography class?" Ella nodded as Daniel walked outside and Sam quickly closed her laptop. Ella was slightly confused as to why but she shrugged it off, she'd ask Sam about that later.

"You gonna invite the girls over?," Daniel asked.

"No, not today," Sam sighed.

"Great, the two of you want to spar with your old man?"

"Karate?," the twins asked in sync as Ella slung the camera over her neck.

"You don't have to say it like it's the flu," Daniel replied and Ella laughed slightly, smiling. She actually wanted to try and get back into doing karate, in a way, she really missed it.

"Dad, that was like, eight years ago," Sam chuckled as she sat up.

"Well, eight years isn't that long."

"Eight years ago, Ella and I were eight."

"Come on. Remember that time you nailed me in the jaw with the flip kick? Or when Ella knocked out my tooth with that high kick? I had to eat soup for a week." Ella cringed but laughed at both of those memories.

"I've got a lot of homework," Sam replied, Ella couldn't tell if that was true or not.

"Oh, yeah! Dad, check out this photo I took of this Red Tailed Hawk!" Ella walked around the chair to show her dad the picture, forgetting the subject was originally about karate. Daniel smiled at his daughter as he looked at the picture, telling her that he loved it and suggested that she printed and framed it so that he could put it up in the auto shop.

Ella smiled and nodded before she quickly left the yard, hoping to find some more stuff she could take pictures of for class. 


I LOVE Ella and Sam's sibling relationship, I really can't wait to write how it will progress as time goes by.

Word count: 1306

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