Chapter 2

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"I don't think she's making fun of you," Miguel said, Ella couldn't tell if he was trying to reassure Eli or if he genuinely thought Yasmine wasn't making fun of him. "I mean, just because they're hot doesn't mean that they're mean." Ella could hear snickering coming from where Sam was sitting with her friends and she looked over, giving her sister a look.

"I don't care if Yasmine is the meanest girl in school. I'd kill all three of you just to get her to spit in my face," Demetri announced.

"I am so gay," Ella whispered as she stared at Moon for a bit before snapping out of it. Turning back to her friends.

"If you never make a move, you'll never have a shot," Miguel said to both Ella and Demetri, Ella stared at her friend with a raised eyebrow.

"True, but I will also never suffer the feeling of humiliation after being rejected," Demetri responded, "I'm at peace with my depression, last thing I need to be is suicidal."

"I 100% agree," Ella chimed as she fiddled with one of the rings she wore on her finger. Miguel got up from his seat and his newfound friends looked at him with confusion.

"What're you doing?," Ella questioned.

"Striking first." Miguel began to make his way over to where Sam and her friends were sitting, ella knew that this could go two ways; the first one being that her sister and Miguel have a very awkward conversation that ends in heavy awkward silence, or Kyler is going to come out of nowhere and put Miguel 47 meters down.

Kyler and his buddies got to the table first, Ella sighed heavily as she picked at the rest of her food, watching a disappointed Miguel slowly walk back to their table and sit down.

"So, how'd it go?" Demetri's usual sarcasm had returned and Miguel rolled his eyes at him.


That night Kyler came over for dinner, Ella really hated Kyler but whenever he was around she tolerated him for Sam's sake. The family along with Kyler were all at the table, Daniel was making sushi as he explained something about it, but Ella wasn't paying much attention, she had completely zoned out, staring into space as her gaze never left the wall she stared at.

"Are you sure you don't want to try a little piece?," Amanda's voice questioned, pulling Ella back to reality as she looked at her mom, not understanding what she was talking about.

"No, fish kind of grosses me out," Kuler replied with a chuckle, that was when Ella caught on with what was happening and she sighed.

"I'll take it if —," the blonde began but was cut off by Sam.

"No, you like fish," Sam said, "What about the fish sticks at school?"

"Oh, yeah. Fish sticks are dope," Kyler agreed, looking at Daniel with that same annoying smirk on his face. "You have fish sticks?"

"Uh, no, just this fresh fish I picked up from the Japanese market this morning," Daniel replied.

"You know what? Why don't we find something Kyler can eat? Sam, Ella, you wanna come help me in the kitchen?," Amanda proposed in order to keep the peace. Sam and Ella nodded, getting out of their chairs as they followed their mom to the kitchen.


It was lunch at school, the school guidance counselor was currently standing in the middle of the cafeteria with a mic. Giving a speech on the effects of cyberbullying, Ella glanced at Eli out of the corner of her eye, knowing that this speech was most likely because his mom had called the school about some of the kids picking on him. Ella felt bad for the boy, because she knew that calling the school was just going to make things worse for him.

"Cyberbullying is no laughing matter," the counselor said, "Sending a cruel message to someone online can be just as hurtful as saying it to their face. I'm not gonna name names, but the other day a mother called me up because her son was crying after some kids online made fun of his facial deformity." Ella cringed slightly, knowing where this was going. And it was nowhere good. All eyes turned to Eli and he dipped his head, hiding the scar on his lip.

"But today, our goal here is to make this a school a safe place for all students." Miguel turned to Eli, Demetri and Ella. Ella was fidgeting with a small piece of wrapper.

"You know, if you're sick if getting bullied, my karate dojo's looking for new recruits," he offered, sounding like he genuinely wanted to help. Or at least try to.

"Yeah, right. You hear that, Eli?," Demetri sassed, "A little karate training, and you're gonna kick some major ass."

"I'm serious, Demetri," Miguel pressed, "My sensei is the real deal. I'm sure I could get the three of you discounts."

"As enticing as that sounds, I think we'd rather spend our afternoons playing Crucible Control or being dragged to watch Ella's theatre rehearsals than getting hit in the face," Demetri replied.

Ella stuck her tongue out at Demetri sarcastically.


That night Ella sat at the dinner table with her family, listening to what Sam was saying as she ate her food.

"I mean, I feel bad for Aisha, but at the same time, I don't wanna dress up as a molecular compound," Sam explained. Ella drank some of her water before placing the glass cup back on the table as she listened to what her sister was talking about.

"I totally get it, but just because you guys aren't in the same costume doesn't mean you can't hang out at the dance together," Amanda reassured and Ella nodded in agreement.

"Speaking of the dance I got an email from the school," Daniel began, Ella stopped mid-chew to listen to what her father was about to say next. "They're looking for chaperones. They seem desperate."

"Who wants to spend their Friday night in a sweaty gym?," Amanda asked rhetorically.

"You're off the hook. I said I'd do it." Ella almost choked on her food when she heard what Daniel had said, coughing a bit as she pulled herself together. Sam dropped her fork on her plate and glared at Daniel.

"Come on. Counselor Blatt and I go way back. I couldn't leave her hanging," Daniel told the girls and Sam looked at Ella before looking at Amanda.

"Mom?," Sam pleaded, not seeming too happy with the news.

"Come on, Daniel. Would you want one of your parents at your highschool dance?," Amanda reasoned as Ella continued to eat, she didn't feel like taking part in the conversation.

"My mom drove me on dates, ok?," Daniel reminded.

"And how did that go?," Amanda snarked and Daniel couldn't help but smile at his wife as Sam folded her arms.

"This is so not fair," she stated, "And I'm sure Ella agrees too." Ella looked up at her sister, confusion written all over her face as she gave her a look.

"How come I'm getting dragged into this?," the blonde questioned in a rather offended tone, her voice rising an octave higher.

"You two won't even notice me. I'll be a ghost," Daniel reassured, that was when Anthony spoke up.

"Ghosts are lame," the youngest said.

"It's just an expression."

"Just promise me that you won't embarrass me or Ella," Sam pleaded, Ella sighed heavily as she slouched in her seat slightly. Not too thrilled about being dragged into her sister's and her dad's bantering.

"I promise," Daniel reassured.


I almost had a panic attack at lunch today lmao.

I hope you all enjoy this new chapter! I will try to update both this and my fic Runaway (a current TUA fic) as much as I can but since I have a performance next week, (which means rehearsals will begin to take up my life even more), all updates will be slow until after closing night!

Have a good day/night :)

Word count: 1308

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